Ticket Pack Information Translated to English by NorthWest Studios // All Probabilities are defined from an integer value of 0.0 to 1.0 [ticketpack] Define the name of the ticket system. {stamper_prop} Probability of no ticket being purchased. {ticketbuy_prop} Probability of a ticket purchase. {chattiness} Probability of passengers talking. {whinge_prop} Probability that passengers will complain. [ticket] Create a ticket type {name} Name of the ticket in German. {name_english} Name of the ticket in English. {max_stations} Maximum number of stops allowed. (0 for unlimited) {age_min} Minimum age for ticket. {age_max} Maximum age for ticket. {value} Price of the ticket. {displaystring} Display on the ticket printer. [ticket_2] Include all information from [ticket] up to and including {displaystring}. ... {dayticket} Input 0 for normal ticket. Input 1 for a day-time only ticket. {propability} Probability of day ticket being purchased as opposed to normal ticket.` *************************** Aberdeen *************************** [voicepath] TicketPacks\DBC_Tickets\ [ticketpack] 0.85 0.10 0.50 0.05 [ticket_2] AMB Fahrschein-Kurzstrecke (10 km.) AMB Adult Single (10 km. / 7 mi.) 1 18 60 2.70 Adult Single 0 1 [ticket_2] AMB Fahrschein Erm (10 km.) AMB Child Single (10 km. / 7 mi.) 0 0 14 1.70 Child Single 0 1 [ticket_2] AMB Fahrschein Erm (10 km.) AMB Adult Single (10 km. / 7 mi.) 0 65 100 1.50 Senior Single 0 1 [ticket_2] AMB Innenstadt (4 Stations) AMB Downtown Hopper (4 Stops) 4 0 100 1.0 Zone DT 0 0.3