türego Hohenkirchen Repaint for Neoplan N4007 1.0.0

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Empfohlene OMSI-Version
Aktuell v2.3.x
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[DE] türego Hohenkirchen repaint für den Neoplan Centroliner N4407. [EN] tuerego Hohenkirchen repaint for the Neoplan Centroliner N4407.

Bus is perfect for Line 855.

Also added:

Green Sun Visor in Front glass.

More ORANGE Color to the Validator.

Bus: OMSI Webdisk

Map: Steam


de.svg: Die Zip-Datei einfach im OMSI-Hauptverzeichnis entpacken.

gb.svg: Simply unzip the zip-file into the OMSI main directory.

Enjoy! Genießen! B-)
