SuperRadio 0.0.3 with Hotfix 1

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Empfohlene OMSI-Version
Aktuell v2.3.x
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The SuperRadio plugin allows you to play various audio streams like internet radio.

The plugin allows you to play HLS audio streams, and also provides control over stream selection and volume from OMSI.
You can define 9 streams, which you can switch interactively in OMSI and also adjust the volume.

To use the full functionality, you need a simple script adapted to your vehicle.
The SndExt_Radio variable allows you to select a channel (from 1 to 9, 0 disables the radio) and SndExt_Vol is a volume multiplier.

  • Hello @A17PL !


    If version 0.0.3 is compatibility with scipts for volume?


    Czy wersja 0.0.3 jest kompatybilna ze skryptem jaki robimy dla pojazdów?

    Kind Regards and Thank You/ Pozdrawiam i Dziękuję

    • Version 0.0.3 is backward compatible, including with scripts.

  • hallo,weiß jemand warum bei mir keine musik kommt obwohl ich alles so gemacht habe wie es erklärt wurde?

    betrifft den NLC

  • How to make the volume a little louder?

    • Sorry, I do not provide training in reading documentation.

    • There is no documentation. There aren't even any instructions...

    • Here is the documentation: superradio_wiki.png

    • In file SuperRadio.opl you must change: legacyvolume from default for as you wish. For example to louder: 0.30

      In this case you must set:


  • hallo,

    wo kann man die Radio Sender ändern und am besten mit welcher Webseite


  • ENG.

    Excellent plugin! Radio works very well. I waited years for radio like this dedicated for Omsi

    Thank you, very much!


    Rewelacyjny dodatek do OMSI 2 z radiem. Czekałem na coś takiego wiele lat.

    Wielkie uznanie dla Twórcy i bardzo dziękuję.

  • Operating instructions are missing...

  • Excelent mod for everybody

    Excellent mod added radio to our Omsi game without any external aps like WMP/Winamp . Can set even 100 radio stations. With scripts we can adjust vol up and down or mute on/off. Working without any fault with popular DLCs like BBS, AUXI, OmniNavigation ect.

    Now I can't imagine play Omsi 2 without radio by A17PL :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: