Multiple repaint for OMSI. 1.0.2

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Creative Commons <by-nc-nd>
Empfohlene OMSI-Version
Aktuell v2.3.x
Vorausgesetzte kommerzielle Erweiterungen
Citybus o530 (Infos)
Add-On S400NF City Bus Series (Info)

[EN] Hello everyone, here I am with multiple repaint pack for OMSI. Vehicle included : AB_S400NF_Series Citybus 530 by Kajosoft MB_C2_EN_BVG Urbino IV Pack_Iwo

A few images to illustrate the contents of this pack :

  • 1.0.2

    Correction of the texture of the seats on the C2 LE MX

    Addition of 4 Türego repaints for the S416 LE

    Addition of 4 Türego repaints + 1 Evolity repaint for the S416 NE

    Addition of 3 Rogis repaints for the Crossway LE CITY 12

  • 1.0.1


    Do not download

  • 1.0.0


    Do not download

  • Thanks for the Good Looking Repaints, but i found two issues.

    First one on the Johanniter C2 LE, On the back there is a Cooling thingy its not Repaintet / white still.

    Secondly the Seat's are not with the right File linked in the .cti file. "HCR_KRM.png" which is not included within the Download.

    But Thanks again for the Repaints.

    • The .cti problem has been solved and the white part in LE is normal.

  • Sehr tolle Repaints, gefällt mir!

  • Sehr schöne Reprints gerne mehr für die Rogis :)

    • I'm sorry, but I didn't quite understand your remark.

    • I said that the repaints are really nice and I would like to have more repaints for the Rogis in this quality

    • oh thanks

  • First of all, really great Repaints! Was really happy when i saw you uploaded them.
    Onece i downloaded them i realized that you have at least one typo on them though. The Capa-City "Deutschlandticket" Repaint is missing an "h", not only on the .tga file but also on the Repaint itself... Just so you know and can fix it!

  • Super / Great!

    Wertet die Städtedreieck-Map echt auf. Vielen Dank dafür!

    Really enhances the Städtedreieck-Map. Many thanks for that!