Rocar De Simon U412-260 pack 1.0

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Empfohlene OMSI-Version
Aktuell v2.3.x
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RomanianWorks presents: The first Romanian bus is waiting for you to drive on the streets of OMSI 2 - now in its finalized version!

Rocar De Simon U412-260 was built by Rocar of Bucharest, Romania, in cooperation with De Simon of Italy (part of the INBUS consortium) between 1997-2003.

Number built: 312 buses

Engine: MAN D0826 LUH13, 260 HP

Gearbox: Voith DIWA D851.3


- 3 series of the U412-260 model, with distinct features;

- completely novel "Opelled" route destination system, "Busvox" announcement system and "UTI" ticketing system;

- 3-stage automatic roof hatches;

- 3-stage integrated retarder;

- high quality, genuine sounds and textures;

- highly realistic door behaviour;

- a wealth of [setvar] particularities to discover and customise your bus with;

- a generous selection of real life repaints, as well as three "Christmas Specials" waiting for you to discover;

- bus is also usable as AI traffic


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Known bugs:

- very strong interior heating

Please read the instructions before the first use!

If you have the Beta version installed, please remove it completely from your system before installing the new one! No technical support for the beta version will be offered as of now. Due to geometry updates, any repaints made by the community for the Beta version will need to be remade.

U412-260 is only the first step in the Rocar De Simon project. We have another extremely ambitious project that we will announce soon, but we need your help. If you appreciate the bus that we have offered for free download and you want to help us deliver more OMSI 2 projects, you can help the RomanianWorks team on Patreon for just a few euros per month. And for that you get benefits too!
