Bald ist es soweit: Unsere nächste Leitstellenfahrt findet statt. Weitere Informationen findet ihr hier.
- Lizenzbestimmungen
- Creative Commons <by-nc-sa>
- Empfohlene OMSI-Version
- Aktuell v2.3.x
- Vorausgesetzte kommerzielle Erweiterungen
- Keine
- Weitere Versionshinweise
- To work, repaints require the following bus:
Please, extract the .rar file into the folder "common". All files will be positioned automatically
This is a repaint pack for MAN A78 [all repaints (City, Intercity, Shuttle) for all versions], which contains repaint for the map "Krummenaab 2019" (Krummenaab City, Intercity and Shuttle)
The repaints are looking good, but I noticed that some seats don't look right. Concretly some textures don't match with the seats. Would be nice if you could fix that in a update.
Ale041 Autor
Maybe in a future update