HorizonXLines 2.01

Bald ist es soweit: Unsere nächste Leitstellenfahrt findet statt. Weitere Informationen findet ihr hier.

Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License (WTFPL)
Empfohlene OMSI-Version
Aktuell v2.3.x
Vorausgesetzte kommerzielle Erweiterungen
Weitere Versionshinweise
Please use omsi nav as no route markers are available. 3 lines is added for map horizon16

3 lines added for map Hozion16

3 lines added and please use omsi nav as no line arrows avaiable

  • Extension of line 21 from Notz to La Loge: Small line fix

    Hello, it would be good if you solved a problem that already existed from the first version of the Xlines pack, the short line 21: To increase the journey a little bit, it would be a good extension to La Loge with lines 16 and 28

    Sincerely Bitchou

    • Unfortunately I can't do any extensions at the minute due having no pc

  • Bonsoir j'ai un soucis concernant la ligne 28 en direction de la loge les arrêts entre voltaire et st christophe comporte les mêmes horaires et par conséquences entraine un retard important a l'arrivé a st christpohe pouvez vous remediez a ce probleme cordialement