Schwafheimer Bustouristik - BRT C2 1.0.1

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Empfohlene OMSI-Version
Aktuell v2.3.x
Vorausgesetzte kommerzielle Erweiterungen
Berlin BRT - Bus Rapid Transit (Infos)

Hiermit stelle ich euch das Repaint der Firma ''Schwafheimer Bustouristik'' zur Verfügung.

  • 1.0.1

    1.0.0 Nicht downloaden.

    Falscher Schriftzug am Heck entfernt.

  • How do you change the number plate(kennzeichen)?

    • It is the normal licens plate from the addon, I just forgot to add a number to it

    • I have this addon too, but it has different plate and they displays "-" between EN and ET at this picture. :D

    • Okay, but i don't remember, that i changed anything on the licens plate.