Helsingin Seudun Liikenne (HSL) repaints 1.0.0

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Empfohlene OMSI-Version
Aktuell v2.3.x
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This package contains both regular repaints and metrobus repaints for the bus.

The package contains

  • Regular and metro bus repaints for Euro6 models (except for Citaro K)
  • On regular repaints, operator dedicated interiors,
  • Included operators
    • Helsingin Bussiliikenne,
    • Nobina Finland,
    • Pohjolan Liikenne,
    • Savonlinja.

Known issues

  • Seat textures are sometimes rotated 90 degrees on some or all seats depending on the model. I did not try to solve this by creating model specific copies, try to live with it.
  • Some other repaints seem to have faulty entries at least with BVG GN model that might cause this repaint show incorrectly.
  • BVG leasing 2 has entry error (at least in the original version of the mod) in the model files that prevents poles from showing correctly. This can be fixed by removing the odd character from the default filename given there.