Wich map have many transit train??? or big station?

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  • There are no maps where you can drive trains in OMSI, the closest you can get is some tram maps like Eberlinsee, Kbergbahn or the NF6D addon, but those are not very well optimised and have bugs as OMSI is not made for rail vehicles.

  • I think, you don't want to drive trains, do you? You are searching for a bus map with big train stations, right?

    There are some German maps with big central stations like Ahlheim(+Laurenzbach). Städtedreieck has many stations near the bus lines. Grand Paris-Moulon also has stations.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen


  • hello friend. No i dont want drive train or tram

    Lukas undesrtand i think what i serach. thank you ALU i already know

    I will try Städtedreieck and Grand Paris-Moulo

    Thank you everybody :-)

    Then I suggest you 2 maps, U7 demo and the Berlin U4 (Previously there was the U55, but for some reason, it's not available anymore to download)

    - Luiz Pereira - "Te cheiro mais tarde" :super: