Optimized textures - IVECO Urbanway UPDATE - Optimized Textures

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IVECO Bus-Familie Urbanway (Infos)

Optimized textures for the DLC IVECO Bus Familie Urbanway by NEROSY.

- FR -

Après un temps d'absence, les célèbres IVECO Urbanway développés par NEROSY passent dans mes pattes pour subir une petite réoptimisation.

C'est une modification des différentes textures pour les passer en 512x512 qui fut faite, cependant, pour pouvoir faire le juste milieu entre textures de bonne qualités et meilleures performances, j'ai été contraint de baisser un peu la qualité des textures.

Ce mod est publié avec l'accord de l'équipe de NEROSY (merci à eux).

- EN -

After a time of absence, the famous IVECO Urbanway developed by NEROSY are back in my paws to undergo a small reoptimization.

It's a modification of the different textures to make them 512x512, however, to be able to make the right balance between good quality textures and better performances, I was forced to lower a little the quality of the textures.

This mod is published with the agreement of the NEROSY team (thanks to them).

  • UPDATE - Optimized Textures

    Nouvelle version disponible suite à la MaJ 1.20 du DLC.

    New version available following DLC update 1.20.

  • => Alternative Readme

    Fichier readme alternatif en PDF comportant une meilleure explication ainsi qu'une traduction en allemand.

    Alternative readme file in PDF with a better explanation and a German translation.

    NEUE: Alternative Readme-Datei im PDF-Format mit einer besseren Erklärung und einer deutschen Übersetzung.

    (Falls die Übersetzung Fehler enthält, bitte ich um Entschuldigung)

  • => Textures

    Version de base de l'archive

    Base version of the archive

  • Can you put out a German version, please?

    Haha 1
    • In France we say: no

    • I didn't dare to do that one xlvr.plvx.

      No, seriously, I can't translate the textures back into German for simple reasons, even though I live near the German border, I have no notion of the language, and I don't want to make bad translations and get beaten up for a grammatical mistake, so in terms of translation, I leave it to the experts.

      I apologize in advance for the delay in responding.

    • Yes, you're right, I mean I'm German and I don't think there is a more difficult language. But look at it this way if you would do it assuming with google translate you can write it in the read me and I can bet you understand that

    • I confused a retranslation of the textures with those of the readme.

      In fact, for the German part of the readme, it's a small mistake on my part: I dragged the wrong document into the file.

      I will try to solve this by putting an alternative README file on the Files page.

    • Okay well
