Horizon16 repaint for Rocar de Simon U412-260 1.0.0

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DON'T FORGET THE BUS: reboot.omsi-webdisk.de/file/69…r-de-simon-u412-260-pack/
You can download the map but it isn't a must in order for the repaint to work: reboot.omsi-webdisk.de/file/3248-horizon16-final/

A repaint for the romanian bus.


Today I reveal a repaint for one of my favourite buses: the Rocar de Simon U412-260

This repaint is made for the fictional map called Horizon 16.

Install instructions can be found inside the archive. Read them if you have any questions.

Special thanks to PaulIP for creating the bus (https://www.facebook.com/roworksomsi); and to TheTigerBeast (http://www.thetigerbeast.ovh/ )for all the support.

Have a great day!

