BKV Volvo 7700 MFW pack Improved, nicer paints for the bus

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This is a complete BKV Volvo 7700 MFW pack with several versions.

Hello everyone! :)


This bus is reflecting four months of our work. The main part of the bus, the dashboard.

It was very-very hard to do this mod, because theres was no help.

We are proud of it. This is the first project we feel that we've done the best.


FUTÁR, door handling: BURST
BKV (Budapesti Közlekedési Vállalat) MOD:

-Main BKV mod: OMSIWind

-Dashboard modification: Professsor, and DeliBácsi

-Paint: Kozma Norbi

Special thanks: Csernák Gergely, and Tóth Barnabás

About the buses:

- VOLVO D7C sounds.

- New dashboard.

- New ticket machines.

- BUSE passenger display.

- New, edited VOITH transmission.

- Several version contain swing door.

- Edited driver, and passenger views.

More information of the bus, in the READ ME.pdf

Buse types:

MFW-501, 503, 506, 507, 511, 520, 524, 525, 532




  • Improved, nicer paints for the bus


    So the bus currently has bugs, which we will fix in the coming days in form of a patch!
    Today we are welcoming you with an improved, nicer painting package by Kozma Norbi 8)

    :!:You only have to do is, go to the bus Texture folder, and copy the "Festes" folder here, from the .RAR file.:!:

    Hava a nice day! :cheers:OMSIWind

  • Volvo 7700 BKV MFW 1.0 version


    :!:This is the main, stable version. This contain some bugs, but the coming days, we're fix it.:!:

    Have a nice day! :cheers:OMSIWind

  • Damn. I don't know where to start.

    I'm sorry, but the mod is put together so poorly, it has many bugs and the installation process is a nightmare.

    Some of the sounds are very unrealistic. Also many of the buttons in the dash have no function whatsoever.

    At this stage, it's quite a mess.

    Gefällt mir 1 Haha 1
  • How can I start driving?

    I push E 4 Times but Nottingham happens.

  • Are there any repaint templates @Professor ?

  • The requirements are private, I get to Mega and get asked for a password.

    • ?

    • The MEGA archive that contains the requirements requires a password to enter, I can't find this password in the readme or on this site.

    • Requirements???

  • Thanks for making this bus available, Professor. It looks really good, but as you said, needs a little more work. This is what I've found: -

    I use the number-pad on my keyboard to open the doors. They open OK, but nothing I do can make them close again. I tried the door buttons on the dashboard, but these didn't work either.

    I'm no expert on these things, but the engine sound seems weird to me. When idling, there is a noise like someone pouring gravel onto a metal surface. Is that how the real bus sounds? Also, the engine can hardly be heard at all when the bus is in motion.

    The Volvo drives quite well, but compared to other models I've driven, it seems to take more gas to get it moving from a standing start than I'm used to. As a result of this, I kept getting surprised by a sudden burst of unwanted speed once the bus got moving. When it came to stopping, the opposite was true - the brakes seemed to kick-in unexpectedly. This might be just a matter of getting used to a new set of dynamics, but I've not had these problems with other models. I ought to say, I use a mouse to accelerate and brake.

    I could live with these 'problems' (apart from the non-closing doors), so don't worry if I'm the only one saying this. Many thanks, again, for all the hard work; it's appreciated.

  • No work this bus, no all archive files of bus)

    link on file BKK-FUTAR-v1 not this in description readme...

  • Nagyon jó lett! Várom a 7700A-t is!

  • I could not get this working... I downloaded BKK FUTÁR V1 and installed it, but I still get "Door 0 is not a correct value" - error... Is there any chance if you could do a video how to install it? It would help a lot! :)

    • You need to copy the BKK FUTÁR V1 files into the Omsi root folder.

    • You mean OMSI main folder(s)?

    • Yep!

    • I have done everything, what it says on READ ME.. without any success...

  • After properly installing then testing the vehicle , I can only say that it's an enjoyable one to drive ! I would definitely recommend to drive it in a city environment though. ^^

    For the people having problems with the bus being invisible or having a door_0 issue (which also happened to me) , make sure to follow the readme and that you downloaded the file BKK-FUTAR-v1 on MEGA , and not something else ! The other downloads are missing a file causing the bus to not appear in-game !

    • Hello!

      Nothing missing from the bus. This problem occurs when you don’t copy the BKK FUTÁR base files to the Vehicles or Fonts folder. So, the script is missing because you didn’t copy it and / or copied it to the wrong location.

      If you have copied the BKK FUTÁR model files to the bus (futar_burst) then all you have to do is copy the FUTÁR base files to the OMSI 2 root directory. For example: Fonts, Vehicles, etc.

      I hope it will work

      Best regards, OMSIWind

    • It worked ^^ also the missing files I was referring to were coming from older versions of the BKK FUTÁR base files that did not contain the futar-vmatrix-buselawo script file... at least that's what made my game very upset the first time.


    • Please read the attachment: README.PDF and you can install the bus to work fine.

      If you have any problem next, please write a comment.

      Best regards, OMSIWind

      Verwirrend 1
    • can you tell me which of the futar version in mega site is the latest maybe this is the problem


    • The latest. You can find: BKK FUTÁR V1.

      If you have any problem, just write another comment! :D

      Best regards, OMSIWind


  • Problème au moment de faire apparaître le bus message d'erreur s'affiche avec marqué " La porte 0 n'est pas une valeur correct "

    • Code
      Problem displaying the bus error message with the marking "Door 0 is not a correct value"
    • Suivez les instructions du README et tout ira bien!

  • Do I have something on my eyes? Where can I find the decryption code for the DL at MEGA?
