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Pack of polish bus Solbus SolCity SM10/SM12/SM18 in 5 variants.
I'm releasing beta just beceuse someone leaked it. Feel happy now.
SM10 2D / SM10 3D - MIDI 10.5m
SM12 3D - MAXI 12m, also available with LNG version
SM18 4D - MEGA 18m articulated bus
This is early beta, so except some bugs, at least all should be perfectly playable.
Quiccc quide for what is what:
SM10 2D:
Not perfect, but very solid
- suslawmco1
- 1.02b
- the first door CG button doesn't work
- the engine sound while driving is... weird
- the front is a lot too flat compared to irl
- kneeling can be pretty buggy at times
- great idle and interior sounds
- very good textures
- awesome to drive
Also good to mention, the bus would be really better with some small touches like the addition of passager cameras, two sits right next to the engine chamber but they're not really necessary
Overall very solid work!
Good mod
hallo wie kann ich denn im Ibis gerät die Linie eingeben für die aussen beschilderung es gehen nur 2 Knöpfe?
kennt sich jemand aus
you have to first turn it on with the red button, then after it turns on press 4 on the keypad, it should show you two options, press the first one "kurs normalny" then the first row is for the line number and the second for route
Wunderschöne Busse.
Hello, in the SM10-2d there is a virtual pair of third doors, passengers open them through the CG function, they also open after using the shortcut <KY_door_all>.
Vehicles may not be driven by AI either
Hello, nice bus.
but, how can start the ibis system ?
where is the numer for encoding the linie, and route ? 
Sobol Autor
by pressing upper right button on ibis numpad
choose 4 then 1 to code the line and route
Capacities of the buses are kinda broken.
10m: 44 passengers
12m: 45 passengers
18m: 31 passengers
I did a quick route with the SM10, really nice bus, drives very smoothly with a nice sound
Just a quick question: is the divisor in the front door removable via setvar? Because the front door switch opens both parts of the door, and passengers can sometimes enter the bus through the left half of the door (if you see it from the cockpit), which is supposed to be the driver's entrance. It is a very minor annoyance (and easily fixable by removing the passenger entry), but if there is a setvar to remove it, it would be nice to know.
@Sobol Die Pedale haben keine Textur und sind weiss. Könntest du das patchen?
Sobol Autor
jop, I will patch many bugs in upcoming week.
update is out.Olaf200474
Danke! Ich sehs zum 1. Mal aber es sieht verdammt gut und vielversprechend aus! Mach weiter so.