Avélia (Belgium Map) Avélia V1 (Full package) - With the Patch V1.1 (Timetable Fix)

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VanHool Generationen Reihe (Kostenlos)

Hello, and welcome to Avélia, an Belgian fictitious map, located in the province of Hainaut, in the region of Tournai.

Hello, and welcome to Avélia, a French-Belgian fictitious map, designed by a team made up of Belgian and French players on Omsi 2, in collaboration with Groupe-Tec on Bus Compagny, it is totally fictitious (although some places are inspired by real places), and is located in the province of Hainaut, in the region of Tournai.

The map has 9 lines (3 at night, 2 for school and 3 night lines), they run every 15 to 30 minutes, and the journey time is between 15 and 30 minutes, except for school services.

For the proper functioning of the map, the following elements are necessary:

- Vanhool Generationen

- Iveco Evadys from Kescrole

- Addon Creative Streets

- Terrain Splines V6

- Oberpfalz 3D

- Steven Objecten

- Yufa spline and objeckts

- Tree_MC and Trees_MC folders

- Ruede (with the spline " rail_concrete_01_FF_carpath3")

- Haren_Obj

- Waldheini12\Weihnachtsmarkt

- Tettau (only for the object "Krankenhaus")

Please download the other part of the map for play

You have of course the authorization to modify the ailist as you wish :)

For the tec repaints of the bus (s) you like > https://hobusmaton.wixsite.com/omsi-villeumol/livrees-tec

My team and I, remain at your disposal to report bugs, suggestions, ideas and many other things, join the discord where the "after-sales service" is provided on the map :) > DISCORD

Read the manual for more information about the map :)

Have a good trip on Avélia :)

Trailer of the map : Trailer

Don't forget to download the second archive of the map ! a single archive of the map has 1,8 go, but Omsi webdisk need to be divise the archive :/

Some pictures











  • This is an reuploauded version without problems of copyright from other version uploauded on Webdisk.

    patch V1.1 are already included (yes this is a full package), this patch is only the map folder, nothing else.

    but i forget to uploaud the corrected hof file, you can download this here : Corrected Hof file

    If passengers take their time to get on, don't panic, that's normal, it's the scrolling displays that cause this, just wait for the arrival of the right destination.

    This archive are validate from inspector of Webdisk, for the respect of the copyright ;)

  • Uploaded version here is missing stuff, if you use link on your website, then it has everything needed included.

    • Yes, because, i can't uploaud missing elements, for legals reasons.

    • Yeah, but in that case you're missing something in what extra is needed to download, I downloaded everything that was linked, but was still missing stuff.

  • Bonjour,

    La carte est en cours d'exécution !

    Mais les rues ont toutes besoin d'être reconstruites à nouveau. Surtout

    sur la ligne 51.

    Des routes vacillantes à perte de vue.

    C'est parce que les cannelures sont mal réglées.

    Soit fixé trop haut ou trop bas.

    Ensuite, l'absence de panneaux de signalisation. Les panneaux de signalisation semblent être un luxe en Belgique.

    Les voitures ne s'arrêtent pas à un stop, mais roulent allègrement dessus. Les priorités sur la route sont mal placées.

    Aux feux de circulation, les voitures roulent au rouge. Ici aussi, les priorités sont mauvaises.

    Je me demande qui a testé la carte en version bêta ? Quelqu'un qui n'avait aucune idée, j'en suis sûr.


    • Quesque tu entends par "Cannelures" ?

    • Ich meine Splines!

      Je veux dire les splines

  • Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour la map, mais j’ai le terrain qui est blanc, se qu’il y’a autour des rue (immeuble, rue)

  • I am missing these files







  • Very nice!

    I had some trouble, some objects are not loading i install all the objects that you say that are requied.

    Can you help me out that i can ride this map properly?

  • La map ne marche pas, il y a un morceau de terrain et le reste c'est du vide. Comment faire svp ?

  • le dossier map arrive quand svp???

    • Quand il aura été validé par un modérateur de Webdisk, il est bien uploaudé ici, faut juste l'accord d'un modérateur pour quil valide ca, surement demain matin, en attendant tu peux le télécharger via le site web (plus bas dans les commentaires)

    • il y est via ton site ?

    • Oui, la map est téléchargeable via mon site, c'est juste que sur Omsi Webdisk, j'ai du séparé la grosse archive de 2go en 2 :/, mais sur le site tu sais l'avoir aussi.

    • Ok mercii beaucoup hate de rouler sur ta map.

  • Map folder NOT included in download!

    • She arrives with the 2nd part of the map, patience, uploaud on progress on webdisk, within 1 hour normally it should be available ;)

  • If Webdisk link not worked, try the official website : https://tecmons.wixsite.com/av…lLaU4wLqdAPZzUdGwOCaeRQdg
