Oktyabrsk v0.1 (fictional russian map)

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  • Inspired by DDR panel houses I decided to make a small district where its will be used. Here you can see a two semi-fictional russian variation of WBS-70 project, buildings which I use for example are from Tchaikovsky city in Russia. I don't pretend for a 100 percent match of my model to the real prototype, it's just a free variation



  • This map looks really promising.

    I have some questions though:

    What license will the map use? e.g. Creative Commons, All Rights Reserved etc.

    Does the license cover just the map and your objects?

    What vehicles will the map use? Will it just use Russian-Byelorussian vehicles such as BAZ, MAZ vehicles or will it use western-european vehicles such as the MAN NG272, MAN Lion's City, Mercedes-Benz Citaro etc.?

    Are you handcrafting every object yourself?

    If not, then where can one get these objects for their own maps?

    if yes, then Great job as they look brilliant!

    Thanks in Advanced!

    Also, DDR is GDR in English if you didn't already know that which is short for "German Democratic Republic" aka "East Germany"

    Removed unnecessary font formatting.

    Please refrain from such large fonts in "normal" texts in the future.

    Kind regards


    William Clifton. All work of mine is released under the WTFPL on this website.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fOcUs04 ()

  • Thank you for interest to my project!

    What about licence, I don't think about that yet. Besides my own objects there are a lot of objects made by other authors. I just built a panel houses from my city and some other objects like shops. The map will be use a lot of used buses from Germany (MB O405/407, MAN NL202/263, etc.) and russian buses like LiAZ, PAZ, but all of them will be included in optional AI-List. In download package will be used reduced AI-List with only default NL202 and maybe AI-versions of LiAZ buses (if it will be finished by its author). Many objects like streetlights, fences, russian AI cars you can find in internet and use as you like. I hope I answered to all your questions, and sorry for my poor English :)

    An another district, but built in different style than others6mCl-o1QqcE.jpg?size=1366x600&quality=95&sign=86b0b633c5f19b25dbe5275f3669542c&type=album


    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Bushido () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by Bushido into this post.