Urbino Stadtbusfamilie - the bus starts to shake

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  • How many frames per second (FPS) do you have while this problem occurs? If you have a low (<15) number of FPS, you aren´t able to prevent this directly. Indirectly, you can lower your OMSI settings and look for errors in your logfile (sometimes errors can also cause low FPS).

  • Thanks for the reply, but it is not caused by FPS. I have around 15-20 FPS and other buses works fine. It happens only with Solaris, when I am braking. I tried disabling retarder, but no luck :/

  • Indeed, the busses from Urbino Stadtbusfamilie have a problem with low FPS, most of other busses not.

    Here´s a German qoute from Chrizzly92 who built the busses:


    Das Bremsruckeln ist KEINEM!!!! Betatester aufgefallen, sonst wäre das vor Veröffentlichung auch schon behoben gewesen. Um das Problem zu beheben ist es auch nicht einfach mit einem Vorzeichenwechsel in einem Script getan, dafür muss ich die ganze Logik überdenken und die Eigenheiten von OMSI einbeziehen. Das habe ich beispielsweise für andere Fahrzeuge entsprechend getan, wo das Problem bei gleicher Scriptbasis nicht besteht - und das wird beim Urbino II Patch ebenfalls mit eingepflegt. Unabhängig davon ist für das Problem nicht zwangsläufig mein Script verantwortlich - Ursächlich sind niedrige Frames und dadurch ungenaue und zu große Berechnungsintervalle zwischen den Frames.

    All in all, he says that the bus "shakes" while braking due to low FPS and consequently too big calculating times between the single frames. Futhermore, that problem can´t be solved with easy modifications, but needs a whole improvement of the braking scripts.

    Anyway, you might be advised to post your logfile, maybe there is an error.

  • a fix for that is already developed and implemented in other busses that use the same script. a patch for the solaris is already in development.

    as a temporary fix, you can disable the drivers head movement in the settings - this way you wont see and feel that issue.

    the scripts for my last projects were completely developed from scratch and are way faster to calculate (no air simulation as an example), thats why the issue only occurs on the urbino series. it will happen in other busses too - the MAN NL standard bus has the same issues but it will take an even lower framerate to get the same issue.