Trees MC Fehlende Objekte

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  • Hey there,

    these Sceneryobjects\Trees_MC\RHD_Tree_Small_01.sco

    should be an Object from the Bad Hügelsdorf DLC, if i remember correctly. Therefore i would recommend to download the DLC and serach in the files for the right Object.

    Friendly Regards


  • Thanks for advice, but it didn't work. I've got Bad Hügelsdorf freeware as well as payware but I'm still missing that object.

    Well. It's seems to be an Object from the Bad Huegelsdorf DLC.

    So therefore, this object have to be included in the DLC.

    Unless, of course, it's a fictional object, which I normally don't would suppose.

    That's everything I can help or say in this case. Sorry.

