Bald ist es soweit: Unsere nächste Leitstellenfahrt findet statt. Weitere Informationen findet ihr hier.
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- Alle Rechte vorbehalten. | All rights reserved. | Tous droits réservés.
- WebSite / Support
- Übermittlung an PeDePe
- Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass die Karte schnellstmöglich in die Produkte von PeDePe integriert wird.
- Empfohlene OMSI-Version
- Aktuell v2.3.x
- Vorausgesetzte kommerzielle Erweiterungen
- Aachen (Infos)
Bad Hügelsdorf 2020 (Infos)
Hamburg Linie 20 (Info)
Hier gibt es jetzt die Karten Mod Aachen 2024
Nach den ganzen Problemen hab ich mich drangesetzt und die Karte so gut wie möglich geändert.
Was wurde denn geändert:
- Haltebucht Fuchserde
- Haltebucht Beverau in Ri. Fuchserde (NEU)
- EScooter und Fahrrad hinzugefügt (NEU)
- Alte Vaalser Straße erneuert
- AI Liste (NEU)
- Verlegung Hainbuchenstraße (NEU)
- Provesorische Ampel an Mies van de Rohe Straße (NEU)
- Neues Ticketpack mit den heute veröffentlichten neuen Fahrpreisen (NEU)
- ASEAG Facelift Static Vehicle (NEU)
- Erhöhtes Fahrgastaufkommen in der Innenstadt
- Verlegung Endhaltestelle BF Rothe Erde (NEU)
- Backroundsounds
- Haltestelle Mies van der Rohe Straße aufgehoben (NEU)
- Ansagen aktualisiert (NEU)
Falls nicht vorhanden bitte diesen kleinen Mod auch installieren:
Joa ich hoffe das alles klappt und falls es keine Fahrpläne gibt dann schaut euch mal das Video an zur Lösung des Problems:
- 900 Byte
- 154,01 MB
- 611 Byte
An die Moderatoren ich bitte die Versionen 1.0, 1.1 und 1.2 zu löschen.
LG und Ein Frohes Neues Jahr : )
- 30,41 MB
An die Moderatoren ich bitte die Versionen 1.0, 1.1 und 1.2 zu löschen.
LG und Ein Frohes Neues Jahr : )
- 30,51 MB
An die Moderatoren ich bitte die Versionen 1.0, 1.1 und 1.2 zu löschen.
LG und Ein Frohes Neues Jahr : )
Die Mod gefällt mir Super ( Danke ).
Aber könntest du bei Bahnhof Rothe Erde einiges erneuern.
Welche Hof Datei muss ich nehmen Aachen oder Aachen 2015
Pixel Phantom Autor
It made me play N4 for the 1st ever... LOL
Anyway, the map loaded with no problems... but how can I be sure it's with the new items?
I selected Aachen as the park filr (there is also Aachen 2015 and 2016) and set a date after 2021.
Should be OK, yes?
Die Screenshots sehen gut aus. Ich wollte es auch ausprobieren, aber leider werde ich nur im blauen Himmel ohne irgendetwas gespawnt. Ich vermute, dass mir eine Datei fehlt. Der Ersteller hat zwar im Support-Thread erwähnt, dass er diese Datei noch nachreichen wird, aber bisher ist noch nichts passiert. Das ist wirklich schade! Hoffentlich wird das bald behoben!
Update folgt späterLeo0709
Hallo, ich habe nur blauen Himmel. Das hatte ich bei Berlin 156 und 100 auch schon.
Vielleicht ist was in der logfile, was mehr Aussage darüber gibt.
Start logging
Date: 27.02.2024
Time: 18:22:45
Version: 2.3.004
0 18:22:45 - - Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 18:22:49 - - Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 18:22:49 - - Information: TIR - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 18:24:21 - - Information: Options dialog created
4 18:24:21 - - Information: Weather dialog created
5 18:24:21 - - Information: Profiles dialog created
6 18:24:22 - - Information: Time table running dialog created
7 18:24:22 - - Information: Start dialog created
8 18:24:22 - - Information: Menu 2 created
9 18:24:22 - - Information: Menu 3 created
10 18:24:22 - - Information: Tut dialog created
11 18:24:22 - - Information: Menu pos set
12 18:24:22 - - Information: Bro initialized
13 18:24:22 - - Information: Human engine initialized
14 18:24:22 - - Information: Forms set
15 18:24:22 - - Information: Captions set
16 18:24:22 - - Information: Screen ration set
17 18:24:22 - - Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 18:24:22 - - Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 18:24:22 - - Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 18:24:22 - - Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 18:24:23 - - Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 18:24:23 - - Information: 3D initialized
23 18:24:23 - - Information: Direct sound initialized
24 18:24:23 - - Information: Create main manager...
25 18:24:23 - - Information: Veh array created
26 18:24:23 - - Information: CS initialized
27 18:24:23 - - Information: Station manager created
28 18:24:23 - - Information: OBB created
29 18:24:23 - - Information: Tex managers created
30 18:24:23 - - Information: Tex manager started
31 18:24:23 - - Information: Tutorial manager created
32 18:24:23 - - Information: Material manager created
33 18:24:23 - - Information: Scenery object manager created
34 18:24:23 - - Information: Human manager created
35 18:24:23 - - Information: RV type manager created
36 18:24:23 - - Information: RV lists created
37 18:24:23 - - Information: Spline manager created
38 18:24:23 - - Information: Time table manager created
39 18:24:23 - - Information: Currency manager created
40 18:24:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
41 18:24:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
42 18:24:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
43 18:24:23 - - Information: Visual helpers created
44 18:24:23 - - Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
45 18:24:23 - - Information: ---
46 18:24:23 - - Information: Download Internet Textures...
47 18:24:23 - - Information: Input Manager erstellen...
48 18:24:23 - - Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
49 18:24:23 - - Information: Game Controller laden...
50 18:24:23 - - Information: Progman initialisieren...
51 18:24:23 - - Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
52 18:24:23 - - Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
53 18:24:23 - - Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
54 18:24:23 - - Information: Redline initialisieren...
55 18:24:23 - - Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
56 18:24:23 - - Information: Plugins initialisieren...
57 18:24:25 - - Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
58 18:24:25 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
59 18:24:51 - - Information: Load maps\Aachen Linie 33\global.cfg map...
60 18:24:51 - - Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
61 18:24:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
62 18:24:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
63 18:24:51 - - Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
64 18:24:51 - - Information: Load Precip. Sound...
65 18:24:51 - - Information: Sound erstellen...
66 18:24:51 - - Information: Sound laden...
67 18:24:51 - - Information: Set Weather System vars...
68 18:24:51 - - Information: Sky and Weather created
69 18:24:51 - - Information: Date: 2024 0227, Time: 182146
70 18:25:02 - - Information: Fonts initialized
71 18:25:02 - - Information: Map created
72 18:25:03 - - Error: The file "TicketPacks\Aachen33\Aachen2023.otp" could not be loaded!
73 18:25:03 - - Information: Map Global File loaded
74 18:25:03 - - Information: Registrations loaded
75 18:25:03 - - Information: Parked Cars loaded
76 18:25:03 - - Information: Map AILists loaded
77 18:25:03 - - Information: Map AILists loaded
78 18:25:03 - - Information: New Centerkachel set
79 18:25:03 - - Information: VarParents loaded
80 18:25:03 - - Information: Special Objects refreshed
81 18:25:03 - - Information: Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
82 18:25:10 - - Information: Map loaded
83 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\2.ttl", tour MOFR2: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
84 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\2.ttl", tour SA1: Entry 30 begins before previous entry ends!
85 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\24.ttl", tour MOFR1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 9)!
86 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\24.ttl", tour MOFR2 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
87 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\24.ttl", tour SA1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 9)!
88 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\32.ttl", tour 1: Entry 22 begins before previous entry ends!
89 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\33 KI.ttl", tour 1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
90 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\33 KI.ttl", tour 2 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
91 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\33 KI.ttl", tour 3 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
92 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\3A.ttl", tour MOFR1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 8)!
93 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\3A.ttl", tour MOFR2 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 6)!
94 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\3A.ttl", tour MOFR3 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
95 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\3A.ttl", tour SA1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 58)!
96 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\3A.ttl", tour SO has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 43)!
97 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\3B.ttl", tour MOFR has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
98 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\3B.ttl", tour MOFR2 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
99 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\3B.ttl", tour SASO has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
100 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\4.ttl", tour MOFR1: Entry 43 begins before previous entry ends!
101 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\7.ttl", tour SA1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
102 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\7.ttl", tour SA2 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
103 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\7.ttl", tour SO1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
104 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\7.ttl", tour SO2 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
105 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\77.ttl", tour MOFR2: Entry 17 begins before previous entry ends!
106 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\77.ttl", tour SA2: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
107 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
108 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 2 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
109 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 3 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
110 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 4 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
111 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 5 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
112 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 6 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
113 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 7 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
114 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 8 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
115 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 9 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
116 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 10 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
117 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 11 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
118 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 12 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
119 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 13F has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
120 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 14 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
121 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 15 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
122 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 16 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
123 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 17 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
124 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 18 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
125 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 73 Mo-Fr.ttl", tour 19 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
126 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
127 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 2 Sa has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
128 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 3 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
129 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 4 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
130 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 5 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
131 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 6 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
132 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 7 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
133 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 8 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
134 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 9 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
135 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 9: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
136 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 10 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
137 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 10: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
138 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 11 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
139 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 11: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
140 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 12 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
141 18:25:10 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 13 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
142 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 So.ttl", tour 1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
143 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 So.ttl", tour 2 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
144 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 So.ttl", tour 3 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
145 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 So.ttl", tour 4 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
146 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 So.ttl", tour 5 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 2)!
147 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\N4.ttl", tour 1 has at least one invalid trip (Nr. 1)!
148 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL43.ttl", tour MOFR: Entry 36 begins before previous entry ends!
149 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL43.ttl", tour SA: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
150 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL50.ttl", tour MOFR_OST has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
151 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL50.ttl", tour SA_OST has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
152 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL50.ttl", tour SO_OST has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
153 18:25:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL50.ttl", tour MOFR_WEST: Entry 73 begins before previous entry ends!
154 18:25:11 - - Information: Humans created
155 18:25:11 - - Information: Editor refreshed
156 18:25:11 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
157 18:25:11 - - Information: Weather loaded
158 18:25:11 - - Information: Map camera loaded
159 18:25:11 - - Information: maps\Aachen Linie 33\global.cfg map loaded!
160 18:25:11 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 63, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
161 18:25:12 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld.bmp"!
162 18:25:12 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 64, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
163 18:25:13 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 67, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
164 18:25:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_1.bmp"!
165 18:25:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld.bmp"!
166 18:25:13 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Fuchserde1_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
167 18:25:14 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\X_Fuchserde1.sco: texture filename Pfeile.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Fuchserde1.o3d!
168 18:25:14 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
169 18:25:14 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
170 18:25:14 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Aachen\Maschendraht2.sco: texture filename Maschendraht2.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Aachen\model\Zaun9.o3d!
171 18:25:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld.bmp"!
172 18:25:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld.bmp"!
173 18:25:15 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 62, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
174 18:25:16 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Vogelsang_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
175 18:25:16 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Buschhausen_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
176 18:25:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
177 18:25:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
178 18:25:17 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 61, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
179 18:25:18 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 59, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
180 18:25:18 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 66, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
181 18:25:18 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Fuchserde2_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
182 18:25:18 - - Warning: Spline wurde nicht gefunden: Splines\Aachen\Ac_Bordstein.sli, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
183 18:25:18 - - Warning: Spline wurde nicht gefunden: Splines\Aachen\Ac_Bordstein.sli, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
184 18:25:18 - - Warning: Spline wurde nicht gefunden: Splines\Aachen\Ac_Bordstein.sli, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
185 18:25:18 - - Warning: Spline wurde nicht gefunden: Splines\Aachen\Ac_Bordstein.sli, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
186 18:25:18 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 65, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
187 18:25:18 - - Warning: Spline type "Splines\Aachen\Ac_Bordstein.sli" could not be loaded!
188 18:25:18 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 60, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
189 18:25:19 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Beverau_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
190 18:25:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 57, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
191 18:25:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 99, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
192 18:25:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 98, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
193 18:25:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 58, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
194 18:25:21 - - Information: Date: 2024 0227, Time: 182146
195 18:25:28 - - Information: Traffic loaded
196 18:25:28 - - Information: Date: 2024 0227, Time: 182146
197 18:25:28 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
198 18:25:28 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
199 18:25:28 - - Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
200 18:25:28 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
201 18:25:28 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
202 18:25:28 - - Information: Reset State Matrices...
203 18:25:28 - - Information: Start Tex Thread...
204 18:25:28 - - Information: Init Red Line...
205 18:25:28 - - Information: Set Initial Render States...
206 18:25:29 - - Information: Menu pos set
207 18:25:33 - - Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
208 18:25:33 - - Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
209 18:25:33 - - Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
210 18:25:33 - - Information: Init3D: Hal active
211 18:25:33 - - Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
212 18:25:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
213 18:25:35 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
214 18:25:35 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Textfeld.tga"!
215 18:25:35 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_min.tga"!
216 18:25:35 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_sec.tga"!
217 18:25:35 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_state.tga"!
218 18:25:36 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
219 18:25:36 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
220 18:25:36 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
221 18:25:36 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
222 18:25:38 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
223 18:25:38 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
224 18:25:38 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_main_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
225 18:25:39 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_articul_bellows_dirt.o3d!
226 18:25:39 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\LOD_GN92_main_tuer_MV.o3d!
227 18:25:39 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\LOD_GN92_main_tuer_MH.o3d!
228 18:25:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_Rad_v.bmp"!
229 18:25:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
230 18:25:41 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
231 18:25:41 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
232 18:25:41 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_trail_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
233 18:25:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
234 18:25:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
235 18:25:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Textfeld.tga"!
236 18:25:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_min.tga"!
237 18:25:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_sec.tga"!
238 18:25:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_state.tga"!
239 18:25:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
240 18:25:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
241 18:25:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
242 18:25:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
243 18:25:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
244 18:25:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
245 18:25:52 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_main_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
246 18:25:52 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_articul_bellows_dirt.o3d!
247 18:25:53 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\LOD_GN92_main_tuer_MV.o3d!
248 18:25:53 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\LOD_GN92_main_tuer_MH.o3d!
249 18:25:53 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_Rad_v.bmp"!
250 18:26:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
251 18:26:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
252 18:26:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
253 18:26:03 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_trail_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
254 18:26:12 - - Information: Menu pos set
255 18:26:28 - - Information: Deativating TIR...
256 18:26:28 - - Information: TIR was not available
257 18:26:28 - - Information: Closing actual map...
258 18:26:29 - - Information: Actual map closed!
259 18:26:29 - - Information: OMSI is closing...
Pixel Phantom Autor
Bitte in den Supportthread schreiben, so eine Logfile im Kommentar Bereich ist sehr unübersichtlich.
Moin, wofür wird Bad Hügelsdorf benötigt, kann man es auch ohne das spielen?
Pixel Phantom Autor
BHD braucht man für die Objekte
Kann ich die Pfade für die Fahrräder und Scooter auch auf die alte Aachen übernehmen und wenn ja wie?
Pixel Phantom Autor
Bei größeren sachen butte den Support Thread Benutzen. Und Fahrrad Pfade hab ich nicht verbaut
guten morgen ich habe mal eine frage wenn ich Aachen 2024 runterlade und instaliere und in der Map rein gehe habe ich nur einen Blauen Himmel kann mir einer sagen wie ich es machen soll
Pixel Phantom Autor
Bitte nutze den Support Thread und schick die Log file mit
Was ist bei der 2024 Version neu?
Pixel Phantom Autor
Das was dort steht
moin welches hof datei kann man benutzen grund ist wenn ich fahrplan wählen zeigt mir nicht an
Leider sieht es an der Grenze nicht so gut aus
da endet die Map im Bereich der Grenze im leeren mit folgenden Fehlern:
403 16:35:32 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 14, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
404 16:35:33 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_4.bmp"!
405 16:35:33 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_3.bmp"!
406 16:35:33 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_2.bmp"!
407 16:35:33 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_1.bmp"!
408 16:35:33 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\X_Vaalserq3.sco: texture filename Pfeile_NL.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Vaalserq3_Mark.o3d!
409 16:35:33 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Verkehrszeichen-AC _FW\Textschilder + Quadrat\B420\Sackgasse.sco: texture filename Zone30.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Verkehrszeichen-AC _FW\Textschilder + Quadrat\B420\model\Sackgasse.o3d!
410 16:35:33 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 11, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
411 16:35:33 - - Warning: Spline type "Splines\Aachen\alte_Vaalser_Str_NEW.sli" could not be loaded!
412 16:35:33 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 12, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
413 16:35:33 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 16, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
414 16:35:34 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Kullen2_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
415 16:35:34 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Vaalserq1_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
416 16:35:35 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 15, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
417 16:35:35 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 19, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
418 16:35:35 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 20, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
Pixel Phantom Autor
es liegen keine errors vor
Hmm ich hab Aachen frisch installiert (vie Steam) und die letzte Version inkl. Patch drüberinstalliert. Vielleicht kannst du ja noch was aus der kompletten Logfile rauslesen.
Wenn man zur Grenze fährt dann ist da ein Loch in der Map, das nicht geladen wird. Wenn man sich da hinspawnt (wie hier im Bsp der Log), dann ist die gesamte Map nicht geladen.
Beim reinladen überspringt er immer 40-49.
Start logging
Date: 27.08.2023
Time: 23:06:17
Version: 2.3.004
0 23:06:17 - - Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 23:06:23 - - Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 23:06:23 - - Information: TIR - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 23:07:39 - - Information: Options dialog created
4 23:07:39 - - Information: Weather dialog created
5 23:07:39 - - Information: Profiles dialog created
6 23:07:39 - - Information: Time table running dialog created
7 23:07:39 - - Information: Start dialog created
8 23:07:39 - - Information: Menu 2 created
9 23:07:39 - - Information: Menu 3 created
10 23:07:39 - - Information: Tut dialog created
11 23:07:39 - - Information: Menu pos set
12 23:07:39 - - Information: Bro initialized
13 23:07:39 - - Information: Human engine initialized
14 23:07:39 - - Information: Forms set
15 23:07:39 - - Information: Captions set
16 23:07:39 - - Information: Screen ration set
17 23:07:39 - - Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 23:07:39 - - Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 23:07:39 - - Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 23:07:39 - - Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 23:07:40 - - Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 23:07:40 - - Information: 3D initialized
23 23:07:40 - - Information: Direct sound initialized
24 23:07:40 - - Information: Create main manager...
25 23:07:40 - - Information: Veh array created
26 23:07:40 - - Information: CS initialized
27 23:07:40 - - Information: Station manager created
28 23:07:40 - - Information: OBB created
29 23:07:40 - - Information: Tex managers created
30 23:07:40 - - Information: Tex manager started
31 23:07:40 - - Information: Tutorial manager created
32 23:07:40 - - Information: Material manager created
33 23:07:40 - - Information: Scenery object manager created
34 23:07:40 - - Information: Human manager created
35 23:07:40 - - Information: RV type manager created
36 23:07:40 - - Information: RV lists created
37 23:07:40 - - Information: Spline manager created
38 23:07:40 - - Information: Time table manager created
39 23:07:40 - - Information: Currency manager created
40 23:07:40 - - Information: Visual helpers created
41 23:07:40 - - Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
42 23:07:40 - - Information: ---
43 23:07:40 - - Information: Download Internet Textures...
44 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
45 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
46 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
47 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
48 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
49 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
50 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
51 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
52 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
53 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
54 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
55 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
56 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
57 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
58 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
59 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
60 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
61 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
62 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
63 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
64 23:07:41 - - Information: Problem while getting file
65 23:07:42 - - Information: Problem while getting file
66 23:07:42 - - Information: Problem while getting file
67 23:07:42 - - Information: Problem while getting file
68 23:07:42 - - Information: Problem while getting file
69 23:07:42 - - Information: Problem while getting file
70 23:07:42 - - Information: Problem while getting file
71 23:07:46 - - Information: Input Manager erstellen...
72 23:07:46 - - Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
73 23:07:46 - - Information: Game Controller laden...
74 23:07:46 - - Information: Progman initialisieren...
75 23:07:46 - - Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
76 23:07:46 - - Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
77 23:07:46 - - Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
78 23:07:46 - - Information: Redline initialisieren...
79 23:07:46 - - Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
80 23:07:46 - - Information: Plugins initialisieren...
81 23:07:46 - - Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
82 23:08:07 - - Information: Load maps\Aachen Linie 33\global.cfg map...
83 23:08:07 - - Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
84 23:08:07 - - Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
85 23:08:07 - - Information: Load Precip. Sound...
86 23:08:07 - - Information: Sound erstellen...
87 23:08:07 - - Information: Sound laden...
88 23:08:07 - - Information: Set Weather System vars...
89 23:08:07 - - Information: Sky and Weather created
90 23:08:07 - - Information: Date: 2023 0827, Time: 230804
91 23:08:11 - - Information: Fonts initialized
92 23:08:11 - - Information: Map created
93 23:08:12 - - Information: Map Global File loaded
94 23:08:12 - - Information: Registrations loaded
95 23:08:12 - - Information: Parked Cars loaded
96 23:08:12 - - Information: Map AILists loaded
97 23:08:12 - - Information: New Centerkachel set
98 23:08:12 - - Information: VarParents loaded
99 23:08:12 - - Information: Special Objects refreshed
100 23:08:12 - - Information: Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
101 23:08:15 - - Information: Map loaded
102 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\2.ttl", tour MOFR2: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
103 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\2.ttl", tour SA1: Entry 30 begins before previous entry ends!
104 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\24.ttl", tour MOFR1: Entry 22 begins before previous entry ends!
105 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\32.ttl", tour 1: Entry 22 begins before previous entry ends!
106 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\33 KI.ttl", tour 1: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
107 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\4.ttl", tour MOFR1: Entry 43 begins before previous entry ends!
108 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\77.ttl", tour MOFR2: Entry 17 begins before previous entry ends!
109 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\77.ttl", tour SA2: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
110 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 9: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
111 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 10: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
112 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Neue Classenstr\TTData\Linie 33 Sa.ttl", tour 11: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
113 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL43.ttl", tour MOFR: Entry 36 begins before previous entry ends!
114 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL43.ttl", tour SA: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
115 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL50.ttl", tour MOFR_OST has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
116 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL50.ttl", tour SA_OST has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
117 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL50.ttl", tour SO_OST has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
118 23:08:15 - - Warning: Line "maps\Aachen Linie 33\Chrono\Arriva\TTData\NL50.ttl", tour MOFR_WEST: Entry 73 begins before previous entry ends!
119 23:08:15 - - Information: Humans created
120 23:08:15 - - Information: Editor refreshed
121 23:08:15 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
122 23:08:15 - - Information: Weather loaded
123 23:08:15 - - Information: Map camera loaded
124 23:08:15 - - Information: maps\Aachen Linie 33\global.cfg map loaded!
125 23:08:16 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 109, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
126 23:08:16 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 81, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
127 23:08:16 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 80, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
128 23:08:17 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Vaals1_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
129 23:08:18 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 8, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
130 23:08:19 - - Error: In "vehicles\FW_T5\model\FW_T5_NL.cfg" there was an error in line 13!
131 23:08:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 78, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
132 23:08:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 110, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
133 23:08:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 13, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
134 23:08:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_1.bmp"!
135 23:08:19 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Vaalserq2_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
136 23:08:20 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Aachen\Maschendraht2.sco: texture filename Maschendraht2.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Aachen\model\Zaun9.o3d!
137 23:08:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_1.bmp"!
138 23:08:20 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Verkehrszeichen-AC _FW\Textschilder + Quadrat\B420\Einbahnstr_re.sco: texture filename Rueckseite_Textschild.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Verkehrszeichen-AC _FW\Textschilder + Quadrat\B420\model\Einbahnstr_re.o3d!
139 23:08:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 10, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
140 23:08:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 9, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
141 23:08:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 111, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
142 23:08:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 14, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
143 23:08:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_4.bmp"!
144 23:08:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_3.bmp"!
145 23:08:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_2.bmp"!
146 23:08:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_1.bmp"!
147 23:08:21 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\X_Vaalserq3.sco: texture filename Pfeile_NL.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Vaalserq3_Mark.o3d!
148 23:08:21 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Verkehrszeichen-AC _FW\Textschilder + Quadrat\B420\Sackgasse.sco: texture filename Zone30.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Verkehrszeichen-AC _FW\Textschilder + Quadrat\B420\model\Sackgasse.o3d!
149 23:08:21 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 11, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
150 23:08:21 - - Warning: Spline type "Splines\Aachen\alte_Vaalser_Str_NEW.sli" could not be loaded!
151 23:08:21 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 12, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
152 23:08:21 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 16, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
153 23:08:21 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Kullen2_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
154 23:08:22 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Vaalserq1_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
155 23:08:22 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 15, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
156 23:08:23 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 19, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
157 23:08:23 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 20, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
158 23:08:23 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 17, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
159 23:08:24 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 18, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
160 23:08:24 - - Information: Mesh Sceneryobjects\Aachen_X\model\X_Uniklinik2_Form.o3d did not generate any materials!
161 23:08:24 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 21, maps\Aachen Linie 33\ ...
162 23:08:25 - - Information: Date: 2023 0827, Time: 230804
163 23:08:28 - - Information: Traffic loaded
164 23:08:28 - - Information: Date: 2023 0827, Time: 230804
165 23:08:28 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
166 23:08:28 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
167 23:08:28 - - Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
168 23:08:28 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
169 23:08:28 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
170 23:08:28 - - Information: Reset State Matrices...
171 23:08:28 - - Information: Start Tex Thread...
172 23:08:28 - - Information: Init Red Line...
173 23:08:28 - - Information: Set Initial Render States...
174 23:08:36 - - Information: Menu pos set
Pixel Phantom Autor
Ich kann nichts auffälliges finden, hast du den den Schritt mit dem editor gemacht?
Folgender Eintrag kommt, wenn ich mich in die Nähe der Grenze setzte (Flats war es in dem Fall). Da erscheint folgende Meldung im Log:
"318 17:11:47 - - Warning: Spline type "Splines\Aachen\alte_Vaalser_Str_NEW.sli" could not be loaded!"
Ich habe in dem Pfad nachgeschaut und die Datei "alte_Vaalser_Str_NEW.sli" existiert nicht in Ordner "Splines\Aachen" sondern nur im Ordner "Splines".
Die Datei eben mal in den Subordner "Splines\Aachen" kopiert und es funktioniert.
Trotzdem vielen Dank für deine Hilfe
Pixel Phantom Autor
Dafür war der letzte Fix eigentlich da
FN SV Citaro
Bei mir geht die map nicht
Pixel Phantom Autor
Ich weiß
Hallo, leider hab ich nur weißen Himmel
Pixel Phantom Autor
Fehler behebung wird gerade erstellt dauert bissel
Okay Danke für die Info
Gerne mehr davon. Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn sich Leute finden, die die Map Aachen eventuell erweitern und eine bessere Performance heraus holen.
Pixel Phantom Autor
Hat die Installation geklappt?
Leider nicht. Ich jedenfalls sehe nur blauen Himmel.
Nichtsdestotrotz freue ich mich über jede Linienerweiterung und Verbesserung im Sinne der Performance.
One other point - I notice you have integrated this update into the current Aachen map (using Chrono function). It would be far better to provide this update as a separate map IMHO, as there is then no chance that installing it will mess up people's existing Aachen installation (there is already a comment here from a user who now has only "blue skies" on the Aachen map!). Also the Chrono function is known to be unstable.
All you need to do is copy the existing Aachen map, then in the new version, open the GLOBAL.CFG file and give the map a new name (eg. "Aachen 2023").
Noch ein Punkt: Mir ist aufgefallen, dass Sie dieses Update in die aktuelle Aachen-Karte integriert haben (mithilfe der Chrono-Funktion). Es wäre meiner Meinung nach weitaus besser, dieses Update als separate Karte bereitzustellen, da dann keine Gefahr besteht, dass die Installation die bestehende Aachen-Installation der Leute durcheinander bringt (hier gibt es bereits einen Kommentar von einem Benutzer, der jetzt nur noch „blauen Himmel“ auf der Aachen-Karte hat!). Auch die Chrono-Funktion ist bekanntermaßen instabil.
Sie müssen lediglich die vorhandene Aachen-Karte kopieren, dann in der neuen Version die Datei GLOBAL.CFG öffnen und der Karte einen neuen Namen geben (z. B. „Aachen 2023“).
This is not possible. There are some copyright laws, you can't just copy anyone work and release it modified... I would recommend you to study these copyright laws. Chrono is good and it's working normally - can you tell me where you got information that chronos are unstable? I'm really interested...
Pixel Phantom Autor
I found out about the unstable chrono events with a colleague. We thought the map was broken and reinstalled it, but it was always like that as soon as something was changed, which was after the Chrono Event "Neue Classenstraße".
Actually a "map" file in OMSI is not an asset or collection of assets. It's merely a configuration file; that tells OMSI where to place assets. If a user who does not own the Aachen map (nor it's assets) downloads and installs an alternative map file, they will get nothing, as you know.
I don't know how long you've been on the OMSI scene, but back in 2011-2014 there were countless versions of the Berlin-Spandau map ("New Spandau", "Spandau Modern" to name some). I released a "Spandau 1980" map myself. All were shared on M&R's own forum. None of these shared any assets; they merely rearranged the assets that the user already had installed (as well as adding new assets in some cases).
When a 'map' folder is distributed it neither contains nor shares assets - only configuration files like the tile files (which again are just coordinate files), AI List, Parklist, etc.

As for Chrono files; that view came straight from Marcel, some years ago. He stated that he wished he'd never implemented the system because of the number of issues and support requests it caused. As I understand it, it is concerned with how the OMSI editor 'links' various Chrono changes together. During editing, one element of a Chrono change can be missed by the editor's "auto event link" feature, and the whole map can then become a 'blue sky'.
It's personal choice of course, but any new map I download, the first thing I do is delete the Chrono folder, if there is one of course.
Hi, I was really excited to try this, but it was a very bad choice to use that strange font in the READ ME, because the text cannot be copied from the PDF, so it is impossible to copy and translate your instructions, using Google Translate.
Please create a new READ ME with a standard font, so that not only German speakers can use your great mod.
Hallo, ich war wirklich gespannt darauf, das auszuprobieren, aber es war eine sehr schlechte Wahl, diese seltsame Schriftart in der README-Datei zu verwenden, da der Text nicht aus der PDF-Datei kopiert werden kann und es daher unmöglich ist, Ihre Anweisungen mit Google Translate zu kopieren und zu übersetzen.
Bitte erstelle ein neues README mit einer Standardschriftart, damit nicht nur Deutschsprachige deinen tollen Mod nutzen können.
The ReadMe only says that the old "Vaalser Straße" got new asphalt 2-3 years ago and since then it is a street with right of way for cyclists.
If you want a new grass texture, you can use this entry:
A known bug is that you can't drive the lines.
Open the Omsi editor and select the Aachen map. Spawn to the Westbahnhof and go around the corner to the Audimax, so to the Classenerstraße.
Then go to the Chrono tab, press "New Classenerstrasse" and save (Ctrl+S).
Don't know when Elias is revising the readme, so hopefully the comment is enough.
Danke for the reply
Moin @EliLGP
Ich habe es wie in der Readme instaliert sowie die problembehandlung gemacht aber habe jetzt eine komplett weiße Map egal wo ich den Bus Spwane
Pixel Phantom Autor
es kommt gleich ein fix
OK danke dir
Echt gut gemacht 🤝