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- WebSite / Support
- https://reboot.omsi-webdisk.de/community/thread/5219-probacher-land-1-3/
- Empfohlene OMSI-Version
- Aktuell v2.3.x
- Vorausgesetzte kommerzielle Erweiterungen
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- Weitere Versionshinweise
- Releaseversion 02.01.2021
Welcome to version 1.3 of Probacher Land!
In this version an expansion of the regional routes as well as small changes to the city are included.
The map is completely fictional, but makes use of various inspirations, most of them from eastern Europe, a large part from eastern Europe. Nevertheless, the map is located in a German setting.
In this version the following lines await you:
1 Expressbus (Trolleybus): Probach Hauptbahnhof <> Pl. D. Republik / ZOB 11: Probach Süd <> Probach Hbf <> Pl. D. Republik / ZOB 531: Kuhl Alter Bahnhof <> Kleinseelheim Grundschule 543 Probacher Land Express: Probach Hbf <> Kuhl <> Brunntal Bf 558: Brunntal <> Kuhl Alter Bf (<> Mariental*) 578 Stadthüpfer: Brunntal Bf <> Markt <> Klinik <> Markt <> Bf E78 Additional Trips for 578 812: Kuhl Alter Bf <> Probach Süd AST 892: Kuhl Im Feld <> Waldhotel Reitberg
991 Forum Shuttle: Pl. D. Republik <> FORUM Probach 992 IKEA Shuttle: Probach Hbf – IKEA Probach Süd 994 Amazon Shuttle: Brunntal Bf <> AMAZON Probach- 999 (Church shuttle): Hasbach <> St. Johann
- 9001 (School bus): Wermsdorf Wendeschleife <> Grundschule Nikolaistr.
- 9002 (School bus): Probach Hbf <> Alt-Stallberg Realschule
- 9003 (School bus): Alt-Stallberg Realschule <> Probach Stadtbad
- 9004 (School bus): Brunntal Schule <> Probach Stadtbad
- 9005 (School bus): Schneffelrath <> Kuhl <> Brunntal Schule
- 9006 (School bus): Kuhl <> Dahlscheid <> Kleinseelheim <> Brunntal Schule
- 9007 (School bus): Hasbach <> Kleinseelheim Grundschule
- 9008 (School bus): Reitberg <> Alt-Stallberg Realschule
- Stadium Shuttle: Probach Hbf <> Stadion (Saturday during the holidays, 14:00-15:30 & 17:30-19:00)
There are three transport companies operating in Probach. Stadtbus Probach serves the city routes, while the Probacher Verkehrs GmbH serves most regular intercity routes. The third company, Taxi Brenk is most present on school buses and shuttles. Two different ailists are included: One only with MAN NL/NG and one with a whole bunch of different vehicles.
Pictures, the roadmap and required addons are below the german description.
Have fun, everything else is in the readme.
Willkommen zur Version 1.3 des Probacher Lands!
In dieser Version sind eine Erweiterung der Überlandlinien sowie kleinere Veränderungen in der Stadt enthalten.
Die Karte ist komplett fiktiv, bedient sich aber verschiedenster Inspirationen, ein Großteil aus dem osteuropäischen Raum. Trotzdem ist die Karte in Deutschland angesiedelt.
In dieser Version erwarten euch die folgenden Linien:
1 Expressbus (Oberleitungsbus): Probach Hauptbahnhof <> Pl. D. Republik / ZOB 11: Probach Süd <> Probach Hbf <> Pl. D. Republik / ZOB 531: Kuhl Alter Bahnhof <> Kleinseelheim Grundschule 543 Probacher Land Express: Probach Hbf <> Kuhl <> Brunntal Bf 558: Brunntal <> Kuhl Alter Bf (<> Mariental*) 578 Stadthüpfer: Brunntal Bf <> Markt <> Klinik <> Markt <> Bf E78 Verstärker und E-Wagen für 578 812: Kuhl Alter Bf <> Probach Süd AST 892: Kuhl Im Feld <> Waldhotel Reitberg
991 Forum Shuttle: Pl. D. Republik <> FORUM Probach 992 IKEA Shuttle: Probach Hbf – IKEA Probach Süd 994 Amazon Shuttle: Brunntal Bf <> AMAZON Probach- 999 (Kirchfahrt): Hasbach <> St. Johann
- 9001 (Schulbus): Wermsdorf Wendeschleife <> Grundschule Nikolaistr.
- 9002 (Schulbus): Probach Hbf <> Alt-Stallberg Realschule
- 9003 (Schulbus): Alt-Stallberg Realschule <> Probach Stadtbad
- 9004 (Schulbus): Brunntal Schule <> Probach Stadtbad
- 9005 (Schulbus): Schneffelrath <> Kuhl <> Brunntal Schule
- 9006 (Schulbus): Kuhl <> Dahlscheid <> Kleinseelheim <> Brunntal Schule
- 9007 (Schulbus): Hasbach <> Kleinseelheim Grundschule
- 9008 (Schulbus): Reitberg <> Alt-Stallberg Realschule
- Stadionshuttle: Probach Hbf <> Stadion (Samstags in den Ferien, 14:00-15:30 & 17:30-19:00)
Es gibt drei Verkehrsunternehmen, die die Linien in und um die Stadt betreiben. Stadtbus Probach ist dabei für den Stadtverkehr zuständig, während die Probacher Verkehrs GmbH den Überlandverkehr betreibt. Taxi Brenk als drittes Unternehmen ist hauptsächlich auf Schülerverkehren unterwegs.
Es sind zwei ailists enthalten: EIne mit nur MAN NL/NG und eine mit einer recht großen Fahrzeugvielfalt.
Bilder, die Roadmap und benötigte Zusatzinhalte siehe unten.
Viel Spaß, alles weitere ist in der Readme zu lesen.
Required Addons / Benötigte Addons
Already included addons / Bereits enthaltene Addons:
- David M Objekte
- Oberpfalz 3D Objektpool
- Buildings Sander Tach
- Kostelec T18 (Unhost)
- iTram Bundesbus Haltestellenlöffel
- Virtueller Schilderwald / VzKat 2017 by Martiesim
- Waldheini12 Objekte
- Probach Splines von Cobeam
- Schienenspline von Lukas97
- Statische Züge & Klemmfix by Kartoffelphantom
- Straßenmarkierungen by ICEkalt
- Kamaz Objekte
- Addon Modern Streets
- Dark Wolf Objekte und Chistogorsk
- Walbrzych Objekte von Dalbiev
- Straßenmarkierungen von ICEkalt
- Ortsschild für Langnamen und Euromod von gcW
- BMO Objekte
- Buildings Alex von Alex Azarh
- Steven Objecten
>>Support Thread!<<
- 1,26 GB
EN: Version 1.4Changelog:- New shifts and timetables for Probacher Verkehrs GmbH
- New village of Neu-Reschen on Route 558
- Higher passenger numbers on school buses
- Performance improvements in Probach and Brunntal
- Small fixes and improvements
Please delete the Folder OMSI 2/maps/Probacher Land before installation to avoid problems!
DE: Version 1.4Changelog:
- Neue Dienst- und Fahrpläne für die Probacher Verkehrs GmbH
- Neues Dorf Neu-Reschen auf Linie 558
- Höhere Fahrgastzahlen auf den Schulbussen
- Performanceverbesserungen in Probach und Brunntal
- Kleine Fixes und Verbesserungen
Bitte löscht den Ordner OMSI 2 /maps/Probacher Land vor der Installation um Probleme zu vermeiden!
Addon Pack 1.4
- 1,44 GB
Necessary objects for the map. If you previously installed the old Addon Pack only download this if objects are missing.
Notwendige Objekte für die Karte. Wenn Ihr bereits das alte Addon Pack installiert habt ist der Download nur notwendig wenn Objekte fehlen.
„Probacher Land“ – Ein meisterliches Ode an die Simulation
- eliah06
- 1.4
Die Simulationsszene hat mit der OMSI-Karte „Probacher Land“ ein wahrhaft grandioses Meisterwerk erhalten, das selbst den anspruchsvollsten Enthusiasten ins Staunen versetzen dürfte. Selten wurde die Verbindung aus detailgetreuer Nachbildung und spielerischer Vielfalt so präzise umgesetzt.
Die Kartengestaltung von „Probacher Land“ ist eine echte Augenweide und besticht durch eine unvergleichliche Liebe zum Detail. Das Kartenlayout zeichnet sich durch eine überzeugend realistische Nachbildung osteuropäischer Stadt- und Landschaftsbilder aus, die den Spieler nicht nur visuell, sondern auch atmosphärisch in ihren Bann zieht. Die Mischung aus urbanem Flair und malerischen Überlandstrecken bietet eine faszinierende Kulisse für ausgedehnte Fahrten durch das virtuelle Probacher Land.
Im Zentrum der Simulation steht das ausgeklügelte Verkehrsnetzwerk, das durch drei differente Verkehrsunternehmen betrieben wird. Der Stadtbus Probach meistert den städtischen Personenverkehr mit Bravour, während die Probacher Verkehrs GmbH den Überlandverkehr zu einer wahren Freude für jeden Simulationsfan macht. Nicht zu vergessen, das Unternehmen Taxi Brenk, das mit seiner Spezialisierung auf Schülerverkehre eine zusätzliche Dimension der Verkehrsplanung einführt.
Die beiden enthaltenen ailists – eine ausschließlich mit MAN NL/NG Bussen und eine mit einer beeindruckenden Fahrzeugdiversität – ermöglichen eine individuelle Anpassung der Fahrzeugflotte und garantieren stundenlangen Spielspaß. Diese Vielfalt an Fahrzeugoptionen macht jede Route zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis.
Auch technisch ist „Probacher Land“ ein Volltreffer. Die Installation der zusätzlich benötigten Dateien gestaltet sich dank klarer Anweisungen als unkompliziert und ist schnell abgeschlossen, ohne dabei an Speicherkapazitäten zu zehren. Die Performance ist durchweg stabil, was bei der detaillierten Ausarbeitung der Karte nicht selbstverständlich ist.
Ein weiteres Highlight stellt die ästhetische Komposition der städtischen und ländlichen Areale dar. Die authentische Replikation osteuropäischer Architektur verleiht dem Spiel eine greifbare Authentizität, die man fast mit Händen greifen kann. Von den sorgfältig modellierten Fassaden bis hin zu den lebensecht nachgebildeten Straßenzügen – jede Ecke von Probacher Land strahlt eine tiefgehende und akribische Detailverliebtheit aus.
Kurzum: „Probacher Land“ ist eine triumphale Bereicherung für die Welt der OMSI-Maps und ein Paradebeispiel dafür, wie Leidenschaft und technisches Know-how in der Spieleentwicklung zu einer außergewöhnlichen Spielerfahrung verschmelzen können. Ich kann jedem Liebhaber von Simulationen nur wärmstens empfehlen, sich auf diese faszinierende Reise durch Probacher Land zu begeben – ein echtes Juwel in der Krone der Bussimulationen!
Probacher Land gehört definitiv zu den besten Map, die ich je gespielt habe. Die Karte ist detailreich gestaltet und bietet eine große Vielfalt an Strecken.
Probacher Land verfügt über eine wunderschöne Landschaft, die man bei Überlandfahrten genießen kann. Auch die Stadt auf der Karte ist sehr schön gestaltet. Das Straßennetz ist realistisch und es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, um eine Vielzahl von Bussen und Trolleybussen zu fahren. Die Landschaft ist mit zahlreichen Details versehen, was das Spielgefühl noch authentischer macht.
Ein weiteres "Highlight" der Probacher Land Karte ist der osteuropäische Stil der Stadt. Die Gebäude und Straßen sind im Stil von Osteuropa gestaltet und vermitteln ein realistisches Gefühl, als ob man sich tatsächlich in einer anderen Stadt befände.
Insgesamt ist die Karte eine der besten Maps, die ich je gespielt habe. Es gibt viel zu entdecken und zu erkunden, und die detailreiche Gestaltung der Karte ist beeindruckend. Obwohl es hier und da ein paar kleine Fehler gibt, ist das insgesamt kein Problem und mindert das Spielerlebnis nicht. -
Richtig gut
- knownascon
- 1.4
Man merkt ganz klar, dass sich der Developer dieser Karte viel Mühe gegeben hat, die Karte ist wunderschön gemacht worden, dieses Osteuropäische Flair finde ich persönlich auch ganz toll.
Man muss sich ein paar Sachen herunterladen, sprengt aber definitiv nicht den Rahmen und geht auch relativ schnell.
Was mir nicht wirklich gefällt ist wie die Beschilderung gemacht wurde, normalerweise kennt man die Pfeile mit Liniennummern drauf, hier werden die nächsten Ortschaften draufgeschrieben, und wenn man die Linie zum ersten Mal fährt, kann das ganz schnell verwirrend werden.
Insgesamt aber eine sehr gelungene Karte!
Bitte beachtet, dass Supportanfragen in den Kommentaren nach den Nutzungsbedingungen nicht gestattet sind. Nutzt dafür bitte den Supporthread zu dieser Datei.
Please note that according to the terms of use, no support is allowed in the comments. Please use the support thread for this file.
Support: Probacher Land 1.3
Für welchen Busse/Busse gibt es Taxi Brenk Repaint gerne auch wenn nicht mitgeliefert Downloadlink hinzufügen
Online findet man kaum was, siehe hier.
Mitgeliefert sind Repaints für
I miss these sceneryobjects
Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\!!!!\TRANSPORT\PAZ_3205 (Old)\mesh.sco
Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\PRIPYAT\Nuclear Power Plant\mesh05A.sco
Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\PRIPYAT\Nuclear Power Plant\mesh05B.sco
Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\PRIPYAT\Nuclear Power Plant\mesh06.sco
Sceneryobjects\Buildings_Sander_Tach\PRIPYAT\Nuclear Power Plant\mesh07.sco
Sceneryobjects\Croatian Buildings\Stambeni objekti\Kuca 7\model.sco
Sceneryobjects\Kostelec_T18\Doplnky\tosk_ nastenka.sco
Roadmaster '93
1. Please install everything necessary, including the Addon Pack
2. Please use the support thread
[DEU] VAK2514
Eine wirklich wunderbare Region,
in der auch mein fiktives Unternehmen seinen Sitz gefunden hat.
Könnte man nur den Pendelverkehr zu IKEA BBS-fähig machen?
Eine Linie benötigt dort, um sie fahren zu können, drei Haltestellen. Da kann man z.B. einfach eine Aus- und Einstiegshaltestelle für erstellen.
Ich und andere BBS-Nutzer würden sich darüber sehr freuen - vielen Dank im Voraus.
Hallo Projektautor. Können Sie nach einer Datei mit der Grasstruktur fragen, weil ich weiße und grüne Streifen habe, danke
Roadmaster '93
In der global.cfg unter den [groundtex] Einträgen bitte mal gucken ob alle aufgelisteten Texturen auch wirklich im entsprechenden Pfad installiert sind.
keine Texture\Der SIMUlant\Erde-Steinig.jpg
Roadmaster '93
Ruhrau V2 installiert?
nein danke information
Ich habe ein Problem die Datei "AFG Prag Linie 143" ist nicht mehr verfügbar kann mir die jemand geben
Hallo ich habe ein Probelm mit den Boden Texturen die Rasen flächen sind Weiß gestereift kann mir jemad helfen ?
Sorry to bother, but i've checked there is no missing objects and splines. But there is nothing when I load into the map... there is only Khul is loadable. Other areas all blue sky
here is my logfile
Start logging
Date: 2022/3/1
Time: 13:59:09
Version: 2.2.032
0 13:59:09 - - Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 13:59:10 - - Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 13:59:10 - - Information: TIR - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 14:01:56 - - Information: Options dialog created
4 14:01:56 - - Information: Weather dialog created
5 14:01:56 - - Information: Profiles dialog created
6 14:01:56 - - Information: Time table running dialog created
7 14:01:56 - - Information: Start dialog created
8 14:01:56 - - Information: Menu 2 created
9 14:01:56 - - Information: Menu 3 created
10 14:01:56 - - Information: Tut dialog created
11 14:01:56 - - Information: Menu pos set
12 14:01:56 - - Information: Bro initialized
13 14:01:56 - - Information: Human engine initialized
14 14:01:56 - - Information: Forms set
15 14:01:56 - - Information: Captions set
16 14:01:56 - - Information: Screen ration set
17 14:01:56 - - Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 14:01:56 - - Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 14:01:56 - - Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 14:01:56 - - Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 14:01:58 - - Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 14:01:58 - - Information: 3D initialized
23 14:01:58 - - Information: Direct sound initialized
24 14:01:58 - - Information: Create main manager...
25 14:01:58 - - Information: Veh array created
26 14:01:58 - - Information: CS initialized
27 14:01:58 - - Information: Station manager created
28 14:01:58 - - Information: OBB created
29 14:01:58 - - Information: Tex managers created
30 14:01:58 - - Information: Tex manager started
31 14:01:58 - - Information: Tutorial manager created
32 14:01:58 - - Information: Material manager created
33 14:01:58 - - Information: Scenery object manager created
34 14:01:58 - - Information: Human manager created
35 14:01:58 - - Information: RV type manager created
36 14:01:58 - - Information: RV lists created
37 14:01:58 - - Information: Spline manager created
38 14:01:58 - - Information: Time table manager created
39 14:01:58 - - Information: Currency manager created
40 14:01:58 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
41 14:01:58 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
42 14:01:58 - - Information: Visual helpers created
43 14:01:58 - - Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
44 14:01:58 - - Information: ---
45 14:01:58 - - Information: Download Internet Textures...
46 14:02:04 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad1_1.dds
47 14:02:04 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad1_2.dds
48 14:02:04 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad1_3.dds
49 14:02:05 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad2_1.dds
50 14:02:05 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad2_2.dds
51 14:02:05 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad2_3.dds
52 14:02:05 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad3_1.dds
53 14:02:05 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad3_2.dds
54 14:02:06 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad3_3.dds
55 14:02:06 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad4_1.dds
56 14:02:06 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad4_2.dds
57 14:02:06 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add-On/Wien/Werbungen/Ad4_3.dds
58 14:02:07 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add…Werbungen/night/Ad1_1.dds
59 14:02:07 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add…Werbungen/night/Ad1_3.dds
60 14:02:07 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add…Werbungen/night/Ad2_1.dds
61 14:02:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add…Werbungen/night/Ad2_3.dds
62 14:02:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.viewapp.at/OMSI-Add…Werbungen/night/Ad3_1.dds
63 14:02:08 - - Information: Input Manager erstellen...
64 14:02:08 - - Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
65 14:02:08 - - Information: Game Controller laden...
66 14:02:08 - - Information: Progman initialisieren...
67 14:02:08 - - Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
68 14:02:08 - - Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
69 14:02:08 - - Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
70 14:02:08 - - Information: Redline initialisieren...
71 14:02:08 - - Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
72 14:02:08 - - Information: Plugins initialisieren...
73 14:02:08 - - Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
74 14:02:08 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
75 14:02:42 - - Information: Load maps\Probacher Land\global.cfg map...
76 14:02:42 - - Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
77 14:02:42 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
78 14:02:42 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
79 14:02:42 - - Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
80 14:02:42 - - Information: Load Precip. Sound...
81 14:02:42 - - Information: Sound erstellen...
82 14:02:42 - - Information: Sound laden...
83 14:02:42 - - Information: Set Weather System vars...
84 14:02:42 - - Information: Sky and Weather created
85 14:02:42 - - Information: Date: 2022 0301, Time: 120000
86 14:02:42 - - Error: The file "Fonts\ANX_M_SD - ?????.oft" could not be loaded!
87 14:02:42 - - Error: The file "Fonts\ANX_S - ?????.oft" could not be loaded!
88 14:02:43 - - Error: In "Fonts\Buse_15x6.oft" there was an error in line 85!
89 14:02:52 - - Information: Fonts initialized
90 14:02:52 - - Information: Map created
91 14:02:52 - - Information: Map Global File loaded
92 14:02:52 - - Information: Registrations loaded
93 14:02:52 - - Information: Parked Cars loaded
94 14:02:52 - - Information: Map AILists loaded
95 14:02:52 - - Information: New Centerkachel set
96 14:02:52 - - Information: VarParents loaded
97 14:02:52 - - Information: Special Objects refreshed
98 14:02:52 - - Information: Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
99 14:03:04 - - Information: Map loaded
100 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
101 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 5 begins before previous entry ends!
102 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
103 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 9 begins before previous entry ends!
104 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 13 begins before previous entry ends!
105 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
106 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
107 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
108 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
109 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
110 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
111 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
112 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
113 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
114 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
115 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 22 begins before previous entry ends!
116 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 24 begins before previous entry ends!
117 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 26 begins before previous entry ends!
118 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 28 begins before previous entry ends!
119 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 30 begins before previous entry ends!
120 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 32 begins before previous entry ends!
121 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 34 begins before previous entry ends!
122 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 36 begins before previous entry ends!
123 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 38 begins before previous entry ends!
124 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 40 begins before previous entry ends!
125 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 42 begins before previous entry ends!
126 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 44 begins before previous entry ends!
127 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 46 begins before previous entry ends!
128 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 48 begins before previous entry ends!
129 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 50 begins before previous entry ends!
130 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 52 begins before previous entry ends!
131 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 54 begins before previous entry ends!
132 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 56 begins before previous entry ends!
133 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 58 begins before previous entry ends!
134 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 60 begins before previous entry ends!
135 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 62 begins before previous entry ends!
136 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 64 begins before previous entry ends!
137 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 66 begins before previous entry ends!
138 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 68 begins before previous entry ends!
139 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 70 begins before previous entry ends!
140 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 72 begins before previous entry ends!
141 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 74 begins before previous entry ends!
142 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 76 begins before previous entry ends!
143 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 78 begins before previous entry ends!
144 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 80 begins before previous entry ends!
145 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 82 begins before previous entry ends!
146 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 84 begins before previous entry ends!
147 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 86 begins before previous entry ends!
148 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 88 begins before previous entry ends!
149 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 90 begins before previous entry ends!
150 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 92 begins before previous entry ends!
151 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 94 begins before previous entry ends!
152 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 96 begins before previous entry ends!
153 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 98 begins before previous entry ends!
154 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 100 begins before previous entry ends!
155 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 102 begins before previous entry ends!
156 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 104 begins before previous entry ends!
157 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 106 begins before previous entry ends!
158 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 108 begins before previous entry ends!
159 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 110 begins before previous entry ends!
160 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 112 begins before previous entry ends!
161 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 114 begins before previous entry ends!
162 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 116 begins before previous entry ends!
163 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 118 begins before previous entry ends!
164 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 120 begins before previous entry ends!
165 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 122 begins before previous entry ends!
166 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 124 begins before previous entry ends!
167 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 126 begins before previous entry ends!
168 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 128 begins before previous entry ends!
169 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 130 begins before previous entry ends!
170 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 132 begins before previous entry ends!
171 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 134 begins before previous entry ends!
172 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 136 begins before previous entry ends!
173 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 138 begins before previous entry ends!
174 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 140 begins before previous entry ends!
175 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 142 begins before previous entry ends!
176 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 144 begins before previous entry ends!
177 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 19 begins before previous entry ends!
178 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 21 begins before previous entry ends!
179 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
180 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
181 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
182 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
183 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
184 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
185 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
186 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
187 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
188 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
189 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
190 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
191 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
192 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
193 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
194 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
195 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
196 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
197 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
198 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
199 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
200 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
201 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
202 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
203 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
204 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
205 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
206 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
207 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
208 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
209 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
210 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
211 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
212 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
213 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
214 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
215 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
216 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
217 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
218 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
219 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
220 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
221 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
222 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
223 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
224 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
225 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
226 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
227 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
228 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
229 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
230 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
231 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
232 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
233 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
234 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
235 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
236 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
237 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
238 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
239 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
240 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
241 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
242 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
243 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
244 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
245 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
246 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 43 begins before previous entry ends!
247 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
248 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
249 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
250 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
251 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
252 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
253 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
254 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
255 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
256 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
257 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
258 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
259 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
260 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
261 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
262 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
263 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
264 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
265 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
266 14:03:05 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
267 14:03:05 - - Information: Humans created
268 14:03:05 - - Information: Editor refreshed
269 14:03:05 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
270 14:03:05 - - Information: Weather loaded
271 14:03:05 - - Information: Map camera loaded
272 14:03:05 - - Information: maps\Probacher Land\global.cfg map loaded!
273 14:03:06 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 81, maps\Probacher Land\tile_18_-1.map ...
274 14:03:06 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 82, maps\Probacher Land\tile_18_0.map ...
275 14:03:06 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 110, maps\Probacher Land\tile_18_2.map ...
276 14:03:06 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 109, maps\Probacher Land\tile_18_3.map ...
277 14:03:06 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 115, maps\Probacher Land\tile_18_4.map ...
278 14:03:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Splines\BS_ADDON_CreativeStreets\Gehwege\texture\BS_Gehweg_Allgemein1.bmp"!
279 14:03:06 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 121, maps\Probacher Land\tile_18_5.map ...
280 14:03:06 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 83, maps\Probacher Land\tile_19_-1.map ...
281 14:03:07 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 84, maps\Probacher Land\tile_19_0.map ...
282 14:03:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
283 14:03:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
284 14:03:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
285 14:03:07 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 111, maps\Probacher Land\tile_19_3.map ...
286 14:03:07 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 116, maps\Probacher Land\tile_19_4.map ...
287 14:03:07 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 122, maps\Probacher Land\tile_19_5.map ...
288 14:03:07 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 86, maps\Probacher Land\tile_20_-1.map ...
289 14:03:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
290 14:03:08 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 85, maps\Probacher Land\tile_20_0.map ...
291 14:03:08 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Splines\BS_ADDON_CreativeStreets\Gehwege\texture\BS_Gehweg_Allgemein1.bmp"!
292 14:03:08 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 87, maps\Probacher Land\tile_20_1.map ...
293 14:03:08 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 112, maps\Probacher Land\tile_20_3.map ...
294 14:03:09 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Bras_54_0.png"!
295 14:03:09 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 117, maps\Probacher Land\tile_20_4.map ...
296 14:03:10 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 90, maps\Probacher Land\tile_21_-1.map ...
297 14:03:10 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 89, maps\Probacher Land\tile_21_0.map ...
298 14:03:10 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 88, maps\Probacher Land\tile_21_1.map ...
299 14:03:10 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 169, maps\Probacher Land\tile_21_2.map ...
300 14:03:11 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 113, maps\Probacher Land\tile_21_3.map ...
301 14:03:11 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 118, maps\Probacher Land\tile_21_4.map ...
302 14:03:12 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 91, maps\Probacher Land\tile_22_1.map ...
303 14:03:12 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 114, maps\Probacher Land\tile_22_3.map ...
304 14:03:12 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 119, maps\Probacher Land\tile_22_4.map ...
305 14:03:12 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 92, maps\Probacher Land\tile_23_1.map ...
306 14:03:12 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 93, maps\Probacher Land\tile_23_2.map ...
307 14:03:14 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
308 14:03:14 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 108, maps\Probacher Land\tile_23_3.map ...
309 14:03:15 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 120, maps\Probacher Land\tile_23_4.map ...
310 14:03:15 - - Error: In "Sceneryobjects\Walbrzych\Brama_1.sco" there was an error in line 19!
311 14:03:15 - - Error: In "Sceneryobjects\Walbrzych\Budynek_fabryki_2.sco" there was an error in line 20!
312 14:03:15 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 96, maps\Probacher Land\tile_24_1.map ...
313 14:03:16 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Google_E.dds"!
314 14:03:16 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 97, maps\Probacher Land\tile_25_1.map ...
315 14:03:16 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 100, maps\Probacher Land\tile_26_-1.map ...
316 14:03:18 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 99, maps\Probacher Land\tile_26_0.map ...
317 14:03:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 98, maps\Probacher Land\tile_26_1.map ...
318 14:03:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 102, maps\Probacher Land\tile_27_-1.map ...
319 14:03:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 101, maps\Probacher Land\tile_27_0.map ...
320 14:03:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 103, maps\Probacher Land\tile_27_1.map ...
321 14:03:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 227, maps\Probacher Land\tile_27_3.map ...
322 14:03:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
323 14:03:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 138, maps\Probacher Land\tile_28_1.map ...
324 14:03:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 142, maps\Probacher Land\tile_28_2.map ...
325 14:03:21 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 223, maps\Probacher Land\tile_28_3.map ...
326 14:03:30 - - Information: Date: 2022 0301, Time: 120000
327 14:03:34 - - Information: Traffic loaded
328 14:03:34 - - Information: Date: 2022 0301, Time: 120000
329 14:03:34 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
330 14:03:34 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
331 14:03:34 - - Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
332 14:03:34 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
333 14:03:36 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
334 14:03:36 - - Information: Reset State Matrices...
335 14:03:36 - - Information: Start Tex Thread...
336 14:03:36 - - Information: Init Red Line...
337 14:03:36 - - Information: Set Initial Render States...
338 14:03:36 - - Information: Menu pos set
339 14:03:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
340 14:03:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
341 14:03:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
342 14:03:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
343 14:03:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
344 14:03:40 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
345 14:03:42 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
346 14:03:42 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
347 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Textfeld.tga"!
348 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_min.tga"!
349 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_sec.tga"!
350 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_state.tga"!
351 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
352 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
353 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
354 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
355 14:03:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
356 14:03:44 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
357 14:03:44 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
358 14:03:44 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\EN92_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
359 14:03:45 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\LOD_EN92_tuer_MV.o3d!
360 14:03:45 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\LOD_EN92_tuer_MH.o3d!
361 14:03:45 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_Rad_v.bmp"!
362 14:03:45 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\\Borzsony Remastered.hof" could not be loaded!
363 14:03:45 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\\Borzsony_2.hof" could not be loaded!
364 14:03:50 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
365 14:03:50 - - Information: Menu pos set
366 14:03:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\.bmp"!
367 14:04:04 - - Information: Menu pos set
368 14:04:07 - - Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
369 14:04:07 - - Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
370 14:04:07 - - Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
371 14:04:07 - - Information: Init3D: Hal active
372 14:04:09 - - Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
373 14:05:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "ats1side_1.tga"!
374 14:05:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "ats1side_1.tga"!
375 14:05:16 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\model_AMN46.cfg: texture filename asvwinblack.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\frontdoorl.o3d!
376 14:05:16 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\model_AMN46.cfg: texture filename asvwinblack.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\frontdoorl.o3d!
377 14:05:16 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\model_AMN46.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\frontdoorl.o3d!
378 14:05:16 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\model_AMN46.cfg: texture filename asvwinblack.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\frontdoorr.o3d!
379 14:05:16 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\model_AMN46.cfg: texture filename asvwinblack.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\frontdoorr.o3d!
380 14:05:16 - - Warning: File vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\model_AMN46.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\frontdoorr.o3d!
381 14:05:16 - - Error: vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\textdisplay_u.o3d ?o3d reading failed - Could not read the o3d file! Die angegebene Datei wurde nicht gefunden
382 14:05:16 - - Error: In "vehicles\MAN 24.310\model\model_AMN46.cfg" there was an error in line 2644!
383 14:06:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld_Thermo.tga"!
384 14:06:04 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Borzsony Remastered.hof" could not be loaded!
385 14:06:04 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Borzsony_2.hof" could not be loaded!
386 14:06:04 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Borzsony_2_TEMP.hof" could not be loaded!
387 14:06:04 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Launem?de.hof" could not be loaded!
388 14:06:04 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Launem?de_1994.hof" could not be loaded!
389 14:06:12 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld_Thermo.tga"!
390 14:06:13 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Borzsony Remastered.hof" could not be loaded!
391 14:06:13 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Borzsony_2.hof" could not be loaded!
392 14:06:13 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Borzsony_2_TEMP.hof" could not be loaded!
393 14:06:14 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Launem?de.hof" could not be loaded!
394 14:06:14 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_UEL\\Launem?de_1994.hof" could not be loaded!
395 14:06:17 - - Information: Menu pos set
396 14:06:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Bad_Kinzau_3_ANX.jpg"!
397 14:06:59 - - Information: Menu pos set
398 14:07:03 - - Information: Menu pos set
399 14:07:11 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
400 14:07:24 - - Information: Menu pos set
401 14:08:53 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
402 14:10:44 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 77, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_-4.map ...
403 14:10:46 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 75, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_-3.map ...
404 14:10:46 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 80, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_-2.map ...
405 14:10:47 - - Error: In "Sceneryobjects\Walbrzych\Wiadukt.sco" there was an error in line 19!
406 14:10:48 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\BMO Objekte\Guterverladung.sco" could not be loaded!
407 14:10:48 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BMO Objekte\Guterverladung.sco"
408 14:10:49 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 78, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_-1.map ...
409 14:10:49 - - Error: Could not load object Sceneryobjects\BMO Objekte\Guterverladung.sco!
410 14:10:50 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 79, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_0.map ...
411 14:10:51 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 104, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_1.map ...
412 14:10:51 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 105, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_2.map ...
413 14:10:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Splines\BS_ADDON_CreativeStreets\Tunnel\texture\BS_Tunnel.bmp"!
414 14:10:52 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 106, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_3.map ...
415 14:10:54 - - Error: In "Sceneryobjects\Oberpfalz 3D\Krummenaab5\Maibaum.sco" there was an error in line 24!
416 14:10:54 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 107, maps\Probacher Land\tile_17_4.map ...
417 14:11:48 - - Information: Menu pos set
418 14:13:41 - - Information: Menu pos set
419 14:13:45 - - Information: Menu pos set
420 14:13:45 - - Information: Menu pos set
421 14:13:49 - - Information: Menu pos set
422 14:13:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\543.bmp"!
423 14:13:58 - - Information: Menu pos set
424 14:15:59 - - Information: Menu pos set
425 14:16:02 - - Information: Menu pos set
426 14:16:18 - - Information: Menu pos set
427 14:16:21 - - Information: Menu pos set
428 14:16:22 - - Information: Menu pos set
429 14:16:24 - - Information: Menu pos set
430 14:16:25 - - Information: Menu pos set
431 14:16:36 - - Information: Menu pos set
432 14:18:08 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
433 14:20:42 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
434 14:21:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\531.bmp"!
435 14:22:56 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\543.bmp"!
436 14:24:31 - - Information: Menu pos set
437 14:25:20 - - Information: Menu pos set
438 14:25:41 - - Information: Menu pos set
439 14:26:53 - - Information: Menu pos set
440 14:27:10 - - Information: Menu pos set
441 14:27:27 - - Information: Menu pos set
442 14:27:47 - - Information: Menu pos set
443 14:28:01 - - Information: Menu pos set
444 14:28:01 - - Information: Menu pos set
445 14:28:01 - - Information: Menu pos set
446 14:28:04 - - Information: Menu pos set
447 14:28:05 - - Information: Menu pos set
448 14:28:07 - - Information: Menu pos set
449 14:29:49 - - Information: Deativating TIR...
450 14:29:49 - - Information: TIR was not available
451 14:29:50 - - Information: Closing actual map...
452 14:29:50 - - Information: Actual map closed!
453 14:29:50 - - Information: OMSI is closing...
Roadmaster '93
BMO Objects and Wałbrzych objects seem to be problematic. Quite strange. Try reinstalling the Addon Pack, allow replacement of files
Erstmal danke für die schöne Map, jedoch fehlen mir Kacheln und laut Logfile auch Objekte. Obwohl ich alles mehrfach neu installiert habe.
Start logging
Date: 13.02.2022
Time: 12:41:48
Version: 2.3.004
0 12:41:48 - - Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 12:41:51 - - Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 12:41:51 - - Information: TIR - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 12:44:07 - - Information: Options dialog created
4 12:44:07 - - Information: Weather dialog created
5 12:44:07 - - Information: Profiles dialog created
6 12:44:07 - - Information: Time table running dialog created
7 12:44:07 - - Information: Start dialog created
8 12:44:07 - - Information: Menu 2 created
9 12:44:07 - - Information: Menu 3 created
10 12:44:07 - - Information: Tut dialog created
11 12:44:07 - - Information: Menu pos set
12 12:44:07 - - Information: Bro initialized
13 12:44:07 - - Information: Human engine initialized
14 12:44:07 - - Information: Forms set
15 12:44:07 - - Information: Captions set
16 12:44:07 - - Information: Screen ration set
17 12:44:07 - - Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 12:44:07 - - Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 12:44:07 - - Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 12:44:07 - - Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 12:44:07 - - Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 12:44:07 - - Information: 3D initialized
23 12:44:07 - - Information: Direct sound initialized
24 12:44:07 - - Information: Create main manager...
25 12:44:07 - - Information: Veh array created
26 12:44:07 - - Information: CS initialized
27 12:44:07 - - Information: Station manager created
28 12:44:07 - - Information: OBB created
29 12:44:07 - - Information: Tex managers created
30 12:44:07 - - Information: Tex manager started
31 12:44:07 - - Information: Tutorial manager created
32 12:44:07 - - Information: Material manager created
33 12:44:07 - - Information: Scenery object manager created
34 12:44:07 - - Information: Human manager created
35 12:44:07 - - Information: RV type manager created
36 12:44:07 - - Information: RV lists created
37 12:44:07 - - Information: Spline manager created
38 12:44:07 - - Information: Time table manager created
39 12:44:07 - - Information: Currency manager created
40 12:44:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
41 12:44:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
42 12:44:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
43 12:44:07 - - Information: Visual helpers created
44 12:44:07 - - Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
45 12:44:07 - - Information: ---
46 12:44:07 - - Information: Download Internet Textures...
47 12:44:07 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/1.jpg
48 12:44:07 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/2.jpg
49 12:44:07 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/3.jpg
50 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/4.jpg
51 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/5.jpg
52 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/6.jpg
53 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/7.jpg
54 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/8.jpg
55 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/9.jpg
56 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/10.jpg
57 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/atron_meldungen.jpg
58 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung0.jpg
59 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung1.jpg
60 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung2.jpg
61 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung3.jpg
62 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung4.jpg
63 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung5.jpg
64 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung6.jpg
65 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung7.jpg
66 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung8.jpg
67 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/1.jpg
68 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/2.jpg
69 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/3.jpg
70 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/4.jpg
71 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/5.jpg
72 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/6.jpg
73 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/7.jpg
74 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/8.jpg
75 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/9.jpg
76 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/10.jpg
77 12:44:08 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://projekt-gladbeck.de/inbus_img/BOG_Bild.jpg
78 12:44:28 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.omsi.wien/addon/ads/wien_1/Ad2_1.dds
79 12:44:28 - - Information: Input Manager erstellen...
80 12:44:28 - - Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
81 12:44:28 - - Information: Game Controller laden...
82 12:44:28 - - Information: Progman initialisieren...
83 12:44:28 - - Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
84 12:44:28 - - Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
85 12:44:28 - - Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
86 12:44:28 - - Information: Redline initialisieren...
87 12:44:28 - - Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
88 12:44:28 - - Information: Plugins initialisieren...
89 12:44:28 - - Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
90 12:44:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
91 12:44:30 - - Error: In "maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\Chrono\Netz2020\Chrono.cfg" there was an error in line 8!
92 12:44:48 - - Error: Missing [end] in file maps\Wuppertal2\Chrono\2021_12_31_MINI DLC 649\Chrono_DEU.dsc - or is too long (>255 lines)!
93 12:45:47 - - Error: In "maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\Chrono\Netz2020\Chrono.cfg" there was an error in line 8!
94 12:46:06 - - Error: Missing [end] in file maps\Wuppertal2\Chrono\2021_12_31_MINI DLC 649\Chrono_DEU.dsc - or is too long (>255 lines)!
95 12:46:22 - - Information: Load maps\Probacher Land\global.cfg map...
96 12:46:22 - - Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
97 12:46:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
98 12:46:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
99 12:46:22 - - Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
100 12:46:22 - - Information: Load Precip. Sound...
101 12:46:22 - - Information: Sound erstellen...
102 12:46:22 - - Information: Sound laden...
103 12:46:22 - - Information: Set Weather System vars...
104 12:46:22 - - Information: Sky and Weather created
105 12:46:22 - - Information: Date: 2022 0211, Time: 094440
106 12:46:31 - - Information: Fonts initialized
107 12:46:31 - - Information: Map created
108 12:46:32 - - Information: Map Global File loaded
109 12:46:32 - - Information: Registrations loaded
110 12:46:32 - - Information: Parked Cars loaded
111 12:46:32 - - Information: Map AILists loaded
112 12:46:32 - - Information: New Centerkachel set
113 12:46:32 - - Information: VarParents loaded
114 12:46:32 - - Information: Special Objects refreshed
115 12:46:32 - - Information: Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
116 12:46:36 - - Information: Map loaded
117 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
118 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 5 begins before previous entry ends!
119 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
120 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 9 begins before previous entry ends!
121 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\PBV KI.ttl", tour 558 Sa: Entry 13 begins before previous entry ends!
122 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
123 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
124 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
125 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
126 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
127 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
128 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
129 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
130 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
131 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
132 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 22 begins before previous entry ends!
133 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 24 begins before previous entry ends!
134 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 26 begins before previous entry ends!
135 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 28 begins before previous entry ends!
136 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 30 begins before previous entry ends!
137 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 32 begins before previous entry ends!
138 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 34 begins before previous entry ends!
139 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 36 begins before previous entry ends!
140 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 38 begins before previous entry ends!
141 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 40 begins before previous entry ends!
142 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 42 begins before previous entry ends!
143 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 44 begins before previous entry ends!
144 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 46 begins before previous entry ends!
145 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 48 begins before previous entry ends!
146 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 50 begins before previous entry ends!
147 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 52 begins before previous entry ends!
148 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 54 begins before previous entry ends!
149 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 56 begins before previous entry ends!
150 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 58 begins before previous entry ends!
151 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 60 begins before previous entry ends!
152 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 62 begins before previous entry ends!
153 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 64 begins before previous entry ends!
154 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 66 begins before previous entry ends!
155 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 68 begins before previous entry ends!
156 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 70 begins before previous entry ends!
157 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 72 begins before previous entry ends!
158 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 74 begins before previous entry ends!
159 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 76 begins before previous entry ends!
160 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 78 begins before previous entry ends!
161 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 80 begins before previous entry ends!
162 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 82 begins before previous entry ends!
163 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 84 begins before previous entry ends!
164 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 86 begins before previous entry ends!
165 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 88 begins before previous entry ends!
166 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 90 begins before previous entry ends!
167 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 92 begins before previous entry ends!
168 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 94 begins before previous entry ends!
169 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 96 begins before previous entry ends!
170 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 98 begins before previous entry ends!
171 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 100 begins before previous entry ends!
172 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 102 begins before previous entry ends!
173 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 104 begins before previous entry ends!
174 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 106 begins before previous entry ends!
175 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 108 begins before previous entry ends!
176 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 110 begins before previous entry ends!
177 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 112 begins before previous entry ends!
178 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 114 begins before previous entry ends!
179 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 116 begins before previous entry ends!
180 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 118 begins before previous entry ends!
181 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 120 begins before previous entry ends!
182 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 122 begins before previous entry ends!
183 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 124 begins before previous entry ends!
184 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 126 begins before previous entry ends!
185 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 128 begins before previous entry ends!
186 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 130 begins before previous entry ends!
187 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 132 begins before previous entry ends!
188 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 134 begins before previous entry ends!
189 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 136 begins before previous entry ends!
190 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 138 begins before previous entry ends!
191 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 140 begins before previous entry ends!
192 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 142 begins before previous entry ends!
193 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\SBP-KI.ttl", tour 2: Entry 144 begins before previous entry ends!
194 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 19 begins before previous entry ends!
195 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 21 begins before previous entry ends!
196 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
197 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
198 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
199 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
200 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
201 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
202 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
203 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 1: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
204 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
205 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
206 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
207 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
208 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
209 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
210 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
211 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
212 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
213 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
214 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
215 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
216 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
217 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
218 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
219 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
220 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
221 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
222 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
223 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 2: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
224 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
225 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
226 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
227 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
228 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
229 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
230 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
231 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
232 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
233 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
234 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
235 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
236 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
237 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
238 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
239 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
240 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
241 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
242 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
243 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 3: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
244 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
245 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
246 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
247 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
248 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
249 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
250 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
251 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
252 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
253 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
254 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
255 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
256 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
257 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
258 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
259 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
260 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
261 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
262 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
263 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 4: Entry 43 begins before previous entry ends!
264 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
265 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
266 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
267 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
268 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
269 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
270 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
271 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
272 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
273 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
274 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
275 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
276 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
277 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
278 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
279 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
280 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
281 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
282 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
283 12:46:37 - - Warning: Line "maps\Probacher Land\TTData\Stadionshuttle Probach.ttl", tour Bus 5: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
284 12:46:37 - - Information: Humans created
285 12:46:37 - - Information: Editor refreshed
286 12:46:37 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
287 12:46:37 - - Information: Weather loaded
288 12:46:37 - - Information: Map camera loaded
289 12:46:37 - - Information: maps\Probacher Land\global.cfg map loaded!
290 12:46:38 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 7, maps\Probacher Land\tile_-2_-1.map ...
291 12:46:38 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Splines\BS_ADDON_CreativeStreets\Gehwege\texture\BS_Gehweg_Allgemein1.bmp"!
292 12:46:39 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 5, maps\Probacher Land\tile_-1_-2.map ...
293 12:46:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Splines\BS_ADDON_CreativeStreets\Gehwege\texture\BS_Gehweg_Allgemein1.bmp"!
294 12:46:41 - - Warning: File vehicles\TA_Fiat_Punto\model\model_parked.cfg: texture filename Kennz.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TA_Fiat_Punto\model\kfznhalterung.o3d!
295 12:46:43 - - Warning: File vehicles\TA_Audi_A4\model\model_parked.cfg: texture filename chrome.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TA_Audi_A4\model\body2.o3d!
296 12:46:43 - - Warning: File vehicles\TA_Audi_A4\model\model_parked.cfg: texture filename Kennz.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TA_Audi_A4\model\kfznhalterung.o3d!
297 12:46:44 - - Warning: File vehicles\TA_BMW_X5\model\model_parked.cfg: texture filename color.dds not found in mesh file vehicles\TA_BMW_X5\model\body.o3d!
298 12:46:44 - - Warning: File vehicles\TA_BMW_X5\model\model_parked.cfg: texture filename Kennz.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TA_BMW_X5\model\kfznhalterung.o3d!
299 12:46:47 - - Warning: File vehicles\TA_Mercedes_Vito\model\model_parked.cfg: texture filename Kennz.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TA_Mercedes_Vito\model\kfznhalterung.o3d!
300 12:46:49 - - Warning: File vehicles\TA_Ford_Focus\model\model_parked.cfg: texture filename Kennz.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TA_Ford_Focus\model\kfznhalterung.o3d!
301 12:46:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
302 12:46:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
303 12:46:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
304 12:46:52 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 4, maps\Probacher Land\tile_-1_-1.map ...
305 12:46:52 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Splines\BS_ADDON_CreativeStreets\Gehwege\texture\BS_Gehweg_Allgemein1.bmp"!
306 12:46:53 - - Warning: File vehicles\TA_VW_Scirocco3\model\model_parked.cfg: texture filename Kennz.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\TA_VW_Scirocco3\model\kfznhalterung.o3d!
307 12:46:53 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Windows.dds"!
308 12:46:55 - - Warning: File Vehicles\Bad_Huegelsdorf_KI_Fahrzeuge\Sprinter\Sprinter_parked.sco: texture filename Plate.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\Bad_Huegelsdorf_KI_Fahrzeuge\Sprinter\model\plate.o3d!
309 12:46:56 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Windows.dds"!
310 12:46:59 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
311 12:47:00 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 1, maps\Probacher Land\tile_-1_0.map ...
312 12:47:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
313 12:47:01 - - Warning: Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Panorama_stodulky\KRAJ.sco, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
314 12:47:01 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Panorama_stodulky\KRAJ.sco" could not be loaded!
315 12:47:01 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Panorama_stodulky\KRAJ.sco"
316 12:47:01 - - Warning: Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\C03.sco, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
317 12:47:01 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\C03.sco" could not be loaded!
318 12:47:01 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\C03.sco"
319 12:47:01 - - Warning: Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Toyota.sco, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
320 12:47:01 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Toyota.sco" could not be loaded!
321 12:47:01 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Toyota.sco"
322 12:47:01 - - Warning: Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Trumpf.sco, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
323 12:47:01 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Trumpf.sco" could not be loaded!
324 12:47:01 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Trumpf.sco"
325 12:47:01 - - Warning: Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Toyota.sco, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
326 12:47:01 - - Error: In map file "maps\Probacher Land\tile_0_-2.map" there was an error in line 13010!
327 12:47:01 - - Warning: Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Mototechna\Autoservis.sco, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
328 12:47:01 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Mototechna\Autoservis.sco" could not be loaded!
329 12:47:01 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Mototechna\Autoservis.sco"
330 12:47:02 - - Warning: Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\RP.sco, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
331 12:47:02 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\RP.sco" could not be loaded!
332 12:47:02 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\RP.sco"
333 12:47:02 - - Warning: Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Toyota.sco, falls es sich um eine Addon-Karte handelt, lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation und kontaktieren Sie ggf. den Autor. Falls es sich um eine originale Karte handelt (Spandau oder Grundorf), reparieren Sie bitte OMSI mittels Original-Setup.
334 12:47:02 - - Error: In map file "maps\Probacher Land\tile_0_-1.map" there was an error in line 17578!
335 12:47:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
336 12:47:05 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\AFG_Static_Vehicles\karosa_b741_os_l.sco: texture filename Shadow.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\AFG_Static_Vehicles\model\karosa_b741_os_l.o3d!
337 12:47:06 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\AFG_Static_Vehicles\Iveco_Crossway_os.sco: texture filename Shadow.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\AFG_Static_Vehicles\model\Iveco_Crossway_os.o3d!
338 12:47:06 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\AFG_Static_Vehicles\karosa_b732_os.sco: texture filename Shadow.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\AFG_Static_Vehicles\model\karosa_b732_os.o3d!
339 12:47:06 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 0, maps\Probacher Land\tile_0_0.map ...
Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen ???
Roadmaster '93
Bitte die beiden AFG Addons nochmal installieren, dann sollte es klappen
Amazing map with amazing ambiance and lot of lines.
perfect for Ikarus busses or 0305 busses.
I can't play the map because i see only cars and people and not textures, how to fix it? I'm reading about a hotfix but that hotfix can't be downloaded.
Roadmaster '93
1. Please use the linked Support thread
2. Post a logfile there, otherwise I can't help
Ich hätte eine Frage zum Fahrplan gibt es die nächtlichen Touren der 1&11 nicht mehr mit dem Update ich kann diese nämlich nicht mehr im BBS auswählen habe auch wie beschrieben den kompletten maps Ordner gelöscht
Danke im. Vorraus
Roadmaster '93
Im Zuge der Umstrukturierung der Stadtbus Fahr- und Dienstpläne habe ich michdazu entschlossen nur noch die 1 Nachts fahren zu lassen.
Die Nachtfahrten der 1 findest du Montags bis Sonntags im Dienst T0005 von 23:25 Uhr bis 07:30 Uhr. Auch T0004 hat Spätfahrten der 1 bis 23:40 Uhr. Die letzte Fahrt der 11 endet um 23:15 Uhr in Probach Süd auf Dienst D0010.
Die Fahrpläne funktionieren leider nicht in BBS
bzw dass neue Update ist wohl nicht eingebunden in BBS die genannten Kurse kann ich nicht auswählen aber ich danke dir für die hilfe und deine antwort
Hallo zusammen,
mir fehlen mehrere Dateien und Fahrzeuge könnt ihr mir da weiterhelfen?
Bzw sagen wo ich die her bekomme?
Roadmaster '93
1. Du bist hier falsch siehe oberster Kommentar
2. Objektpaket (Part 2) auch herunterladen
3. Ai-List verwenden mit Bussen die du auch hast
[RB] Busfahrer33
Guten Tag,
Habe eine frage, gibt es für Probacher Land ansagenpack oder sowas ähliches??
Roadmaster '93
Nein, gibt es nicht
Dieses Objekt ist eine Hürde vor mir...
Sceneryobjects\DavidM2412 - Objekte\SIGNS\Wegweiser_BAB_Kraftfahrtstra?e\BAB_Nummer.sco
Das ist die Lage im Ordner DavidM2412 - Objekte:
Die gewünschte Datei BAB_Nummer.sco ist in beiden Ordnern vorhanden... Wie lässt sich die Situation lösen?
P.s. Obwohl ich den Hotfix 1.3.2 heruntergeladen und ordentlich installiert habe, fehlt noch sor95...
Roadmaster '93
Wirklich eine tolle Map, leider hatte sie einen Pfadfehler bei den Bodentexturen weshalb einige Stellen weiß waren. Ich habe es überarbeitet für alle die dasselbe Problem haben. Einfach die global.cfg im Maps Ordner tauschen
Hier der Link: https://www.file-upload.net/do…-14675359/global.cfg.html
Amazing map :o especially for rural areas :o
Mir fehlt ein Objekt: Sceneryobjects\wooder\sor95.sco und eine Spline: Splines\Waldheini12\Ettbruck\Gehweg_DDR_1.sli.
Weiß jemand was ich falsch gemacht habe?
MfG Busdriver88
Lade dir Mal den Hotfix 1.3.2 herunter.
Danke für die schnelle Hilfe
Hello, I have installed everything but this item is still missing :
Do you have any solution please ?
Roadmaster '93
Install the hotfix 1.3.2
I have already installed this fix 4 times and always the same problem.
Roadmaster '93
On whicht tile are you missing that object?
On tile_33_2.map Idk where it is
Roadmaster '93
33 2, that's interesting. I'll take a look
Muss ich die Zusatzinhalte in das OMSI-Hauptverzeichnis reininsterllieren oder muss ich die Inhalte in die Ordner von der Datei einfügen?
Hi ich möchte mir die Map installieren. Welche der 4 Dateien benötige ich denn, damit die Map funktioniert?
Zuerst installierst du die beiden untersten Dateien, danach die vorletzte von oben und dann die oberste.
Danke für die schnelle Antwort
Ein Mensch
da einige ja den Fehler mit den weißen Bodentexturen ansprachen und ich auch den selben Fehler hatte, machte ich mich mal auf die Suche nach der Ursache. Und siehe da, es lag tatsächlich an einer der [groundtex]-Einträge in der global.cfg. Genauer in Zeile 54. Die Textur von "Der SIMUlant" ist nämlich keine bmp, wie es in der global steht, sondern eine jpg. Hier müsste also lediglich der Dateiname verändert werden
Wagen 4020
Hallo, mir fehlt das Objekt "sro95" aus dem wooder Addon. Alle zusätzlichen Addons/Kartne sind installiert, nur dieses eine fehlt mir.
Falls jemand dieses Objekt hat/weiß wo man es bekommt, möge er/sie sich bei mir melden.
Vielen Dank.
Roadmaster '93
Ja, mir ist der Fehler gerade aufgefallen. Ich hab für die neuen Haltestellenschilder die Map von der Person die die erstellt und eingebaut hat bekommen, der hatte aber den letzten Hotfix noch nicht installiert, deshalb hab ich jetzt die Veränderungen von dem Hotfix, wie das tauschen des SOR 9,5 und der Fuel.sco quasi rückgängig gemacht. Wird im nächsten Hotfix behoben
Wagen 4020
Danke für den neuen Hotfix
I'm getting white lines on the ground, I don't miss any objects and splines, but the white lines still won't disappear.
Go into the global.cfg front the map and check if the textures under [groundtex] exists.
If a texture doesn't exist, replace them with another.
Huh...Did I missed something? Logfile doesnt show anything wrong+all textures should be there
Roadmaster '93
Check if you have all textures mentioned in the groundtex entries in the global.cfg
Well I did it. All textures are there. Logfile would show, that there are some textures missing. The only error, that is in logfile...Its a mod for man nl/ng.
Roadmaster '93
If you say you have all the textures than I don't really have an Idea what's causing this.
If the map looks like that it usually means that a ground texture is missing
Soo...The only errors I got are:
And warnings:
The problem is. Maptools/blueskytool doesnt show any missing obj. Those obj. are literally there...
Roadmaster '93
The TTData Errors are normal, but all the Zugriffsverletzung stuff looks bad
Citaro Fan MD
Erstmal ein Lob für die wirklich schöne Karte! Sie ist sehr abwechslungsreich, detailverliebt und bringt sehr viel Fahrspaß mit sich. Die osteuropäische Art ist mal etwas ganz anderes. Allerdings laden bei mir einige Kacheln nicht. Wenn ich z.B. mit der Linie 11 von Probach Süd Richtung ZOB fahre, lädt am Bahnübergang nach dem Anfahren der Haltestelle Amazon die Kachel nicht. Das gleiche Problem, wenn ich aus Richtung Brunnental kommend nach Eich fahren möchte. Nach dem Hof mit dem Schwerlasttransport und den LKWs kann ich danach nicht mehr weiterfahren...
Ich habe alle Addon installiert. Über eine Antwort würde ich mich freuen!
Hier der relevante Logfile-Abschnitt:
100571 15:36:58 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 100, maps\Probacher Land\tile_26_-1.map ...
100572 15:36:59 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 99, maps\Probacher Land\tile_26_0.map ...
100573 15:36:59 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 98, maps\Probacher Land\tile_26_1.map ...
100574 15:37:16 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Google_E.dds"!
100575 15:37:16 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 97, maps\Probacher Land\tile_25_1.map ...
100576 15:37:32 - - Error: In "Sceneryobjects\Walbrzych\Brama_1.sco" there was an error in line 19!
100577 15:37:32 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 96, maps\Probacher Land\tile_24_1.map ...
100578 15:38:22 - - Information: Menu pos set
100579 15:38:32 - - Information: Menu pos set
100580 15:38:35 - - Information: Menu pos set
100581 15:38:36 - - Information: Menu pos set
100582 15:38:36 - - Information: Menu pos set
100583 15:38:38 - - Information: Menu pos set
100584 15:38:42 - - Information: Menu pos set
100585 15:40:23 - - Information: Deativating TIR...
100586 15:40:23 - - Information: TIR was not available
100587 15:40:24 - - Information: Closing actual map...
100588 15:40:24 - - Information: Actual map closed!
100589 15:40:24 - - Information: OMSI is closing...
Überprüfe damit mal, ob dir etwas fehlt.
Sonst gehe mal in die Datei Sceneryobjects\Walbrzych\Brama_1.sco und schaue in Zeile 19f., ob dort etwas "nicht stimmt".
Du hast die aktuellste Version, oder?
Citaro Fan MD
Jo habe ich.
Citaro Fan MD
EDIT: Dieses Objekt fehlt nur: Sceneryobjects\Generic\Fuel.sco
Zu Brama_1.sco: Also in Zeile 19 steht nichts, aber ich weiß nicht, ob das so richtig ist oder nicht. Schau lieber mal selber drüber:
Ist das wirklich die gesamte Datei? Weil, Zeile 19 gibt es ja gar nicht.
Schicke das ganze am Besten Mal im Codeblock, da bleiben dann auch Leerzeilen und Formatierungen wie Tabs etc.
Das Fuel-Objekt ist kein Standard-Content - liegt aber im Standard-Ordner. Wie ich sowas hasse.
Vielleicht kann uns der Dateiautor ja Auskunft geben, wo man das findet.
Citaro Fan MD
Es ist die gesamte Datei. Was heißt Codeblock? xD
Ohne Zweifeln ist diese Karte die Beste, die ich in OMSI je gesehen habe, und ich spiele OMSI seit fast 7 Jahren, und habe so viele Karten benutzt. Es gibt eine riesige Vielfalt von Linien, Städten, Straßen und Objekte. Es ist mir klar, dass der Macher so viel Arbeit in diesem Projekt gestellt hat.
Für OMSI dies ist eine neue, höhere Stufe. Die Details sind ausgezeichnet, sogar man Blümen in den Felden sehen kann, und es gibt individuellen Schäden auf den Straßen. Es fühlt so realistisch. Es fühlt wie ein neues Spiel. Es fuhlt nicht wie OMSI aus dem Jahr 2013, aber ein modernes Spiel. Die Details sind entsprechend von momentan ETS2 Addon Karten und Karten aus BeamNG.
Oft in OMSI sind die Straßen zu glatt, langweilig und unrealistisch, aber in dieser Karte gibt es aller die Beulen, auf den man während dem Fahrt erwartet. Jede Straße fuhlt anders als die Letzte. Die Farhphysiken von OMSI sind sehr toll, und Probach zeigt man, was die Fahrphysiken machen können.
Ich muss noch einmal sagen, dass diese Karte ist in ihrer eigener Klasse. Lad es herunter, und Sie werden es nie bereuen. Zu dem Macher, danke sehr!
Becouse of the umlauts and the funny german "S", the map is not starting on non-german windows...
Roadmaster '93
Oh, that's actually bad. Are those all problematic objects/splines or are there more?
Have you tried to install a german language pack for windows?
no, these are the only problematic splines. U dont need to replace them. U need to rename them on the map+folder. ///
I didnt becouse u can just choose only one. When u change=windows makes brr and makes reboot=other maps mess up.(The correct name for it, is regional settings)
Roadmaster '93
Yes, I understand the problem. I will fix the Probach Spline and see what I can do about the ICEkalt Splines
Yeh. The "ß" in Straßenmarkierungen is the problem. Replacing it with a "s" will solve it.
Ich habe nach erfolgloser Suche über Google immernoch folgende fehlende Objekte, wo ich nicht weiß wo ich diese her bekomme.
Bitte um Hilfe.
Sceneryobjects\______{{BV}}______OBEJETOS\{{CARROS STAICOS}}\Truck_2.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\BOSCH.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\C03.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\RP.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Toyota.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Trumpf.sco
Sceneryobjects\Don Zorro\Kamienica1.sco
Sceneryobjects\Don Zorro\Wiezowiec 1.sco
Sceneryobjects\Generic\people_standing_small (2).sco
Sceneryobjects\Generic\routearrow_dn (2).sco
Sceneryobjects\Generic\routearrows_busstop (2).sco
Kann es sein, dass die Downloadlinks dazu in der Readme sind?
Erstmal Danke, die Liste habe ich übersehen. Aber trotzdem fehlen welche.
Sceneryobjects\______{{BV}}______OBEJETOS\{{CARROS STAICOS}}\Truck_2.sco
Sceneryobjects\Generic\people_standing_small (2).sco
Sceneryobjects\Generic\routearrow_dn (2).sco
Sceneryobjects\Generic\routearrows_busstop (2).sco
Splines\TerrainSplinesV4_2-by_Baureihe189Fan+Bluescreen\Splines\Terrain Spline\8mTerrain_Spline.sli
Roadmaster '93
Kann es sein, dass du hier bei der falschen Map gelandet bist? Das sieht mir eher nach Landkreis Probach 0.6 aus
Habe gerade hier nochmal heruntergeladen, und trotzdem immer noch 22 fehlende Objekte.
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\BOSCH.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\C03.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\RP.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Toyota.sco
Sceneryobjects\AFG_Marty\Prague Office\Trumpf.sco
Roadmaster '93
Beide AFG Maps heruntergeladen?
Can you please upload texture
Terrain Spline\str_asphdrk.bmp
I have checked all files
Can't find a more similar texture
Roadmaster '93
That's it, I've had enough of the terrain splines. You can never tell if the files in the folder are there for everybody.
Just go and copy some asphalt texture there and rename it, it's not my fault.