O407 Repainting Windows
- SteveyRex
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Unfortunately i couldn't get it to work so i changed the repaint
I will not let this defeat me.
Thank you for helping
if all of us would give up so fast, there would be no mods, no inovations
fortunatelly, but completly forgot about it, i have a custom window repaint for the old O407, lets investigate and dive deep into it:
this is, how the cti looks like, with body and trans texture change given:
Code: Ebi_Tours.cti[item] Ebi Tours Schreiner Bruckner farbschema_tex1 Ebi_Tours_Schreiner.dds [item] Ebi Tours Schreiner Bruckner farbschema_trans Ebi_Tours_Schreiner_trans.tga
this is the .bmp file before it ran through the Repaint Tool
the result after the repaint tool, a rpc file with suffix "_üF" = "über Fenster" = "over / including windows" was used
and here a detail look on the _trans.tga. IIrc, the trans is only a stamp / template, what parts of the window are affected by foil / repaint, so need to get non transparent. The colour information comes from the main body file.
maybe I try to find or make an ingame shotof course, I showed up with this repaint
oh, im not giving up
Im still working on it as its a learning process for me after years of not being an OMSI user so im trying to get back into it.
Seeing your uploads, i think i can see where i went wrong. With these buses, the many files for the repaint tool (MA, MU etc..) confuses me and i didnt use the prefix on the file convert
ah, your windows does not support the german special letters, derived from u, o, a, ss
in your screenshot it is depicted as a kind of "b", but on the top with a horizontal line, so the window repaints are in your case "_bF.rpc" or "bf.rpc"
the MA, MU... files should not intrest you, the rpc files refer to them in order to merge all them together with your input .bmp to a reasonable looking body paint.
In order to depict all the different options and variants, Perotinus made many rpc's to create different shadows and for different repaint situations.
K = Kofferraum = with suitcase lids / belly boxes
oK = ohne Kofferaum = without suitcase lids / belly boxes
oK2 = different variant of less / no belly boxes
üF = bF = über Fenster, we talked about it enough, I think
gs = geteilte Frontscheibe = 2 part splitted windshield with vertical wipers, without gs suffix is one piece windshield with horizontal wipers.
Pl = Plastik = don't know if O405 or O407 seat variant, but with beige plastic instead of grey fabric. That one I needed to look back up in the readme by myself.
and I think, you "just" did use a not window rpc, as your windows show the grey default colour from the base = _BS-texture