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  • Addon SAINT-SERVAN - France

    (The map is currently in development, some AI cars used, buses and splines wouldn't be included in the final version)

  • Deutsch:

    Die Karte sieht wirklich schön aus. Weiter so!


    The map looks really nice. Keep it up!


    La carte est vraiment sympa. Continuez comme ça!

    *Translated with Google

    // Bitte keine Schwarze Schriftfarbe benutzen. Diese erkennt man nicht im dunklen Theme von der Webdisk nicht. Vielen Dank :)

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von NiLe () aus folgendem Grund: Bitte keine Schwarze Schriftfarbe benutzen. Diese erkennt man nicht im dunklen Theme von der Webdisk nicht. Vielen Dank :)

  • Hello,

    I waited this event to repost here, now I'm glad to announce you that Halycon published the article concerning my map. A great news that will allow people to know better the project !

    Weiteres Frankreich-AddOn: OMSI Saint Servan « Halycon.de

    Awaiting your questions, I hope you will enjoy ^^

  • More a fictional map, but some places are real or inspired by french and particularly britain cities (Nantes, Rennes, Vannes, Lorient, Bordeaux...). ;)

  • Moderator

    Hat das Label Karte hinzugefügt
  • Hello everyone,

    Some more new screens of the project for you, with the official bus of the map : the IRISBUS Citelis 12 EEV.

    I'm available to answer all your questions about the project. ;)

  • I would like to ask about sounds of the bus. They are recorded from buses which drive in Saint-Servan? Will be there any video with sounds of the bus before release?

    Many thanks for answers and I'm looking forward in this project! :heart:

  • About the bus : It's a Citelis 12 EEV, the ZF6HP-504C version, based on both TCL Lyon and Kiceo Vannes version, the sounds are still not finished and might soon be replaced so we prefer to wait till we will show you the final cut ;)

    I wanna be that G.U.Y :saint:

  • I've also got a question here.

    Will there be possibly any (fictional) liveries from other cities like Berlin, Munich, Hamburg etc. included? Or onlay the french versions?

    Both would be fine, just for my personal interest ^^

  • As long as this is a french DLC and a french bus, it would be kinda awkward to have fictives repaints like Berlin, München, Hamburg etc... At least there might be real repaints from France and maybe other cities in Europe that owns Citelis 12 3 doors, but nothing sure ;)

    I wanna be that G.U.Y :saint:

  • Yeah I totally agree with you on that point. It was just interesting to know if so or not.
    Thanks a lot for your feedback, it looks like it's going to be a very nice developed add-on ^^ Keep on the good-looking work!

  • Don't worry, there will be a template and it will be a very complete one (body, seats, plate etc..) plus there will be many setvars (and some funny easter eggs as setvars BUT SHHH let's keep it ^^). Thanks for your messages about the good-looking work and thanks for interesting yourselves into foreign content !

    I wanna be that G.U.Y :saint: