Problem with Berlin-Spandau (the map doesn't load)

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  • Hello everyone,

    during this week that I have played OMSI I have noticed that when loading Berlin-Spandau (default map that comes in the game) it didn't load and it appeared blank. I inspected it with the "maptools" tool and it says me that nothing was missing. Here is the logfile so you can see what can happen. Thanks and best regards.


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  • try to reinstall OMSI / verify files via Steam, something seams wrong with Spandau Chrono and Trabi

    Very intresting in OMSI is, that OMSI is just OMSI and even default unmodded things can bug once or maybe destroy themself. :/

    Or maybe Marcel and Janine installed an update to destroy OMSI to convince everyone about LOTUS. ;)



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